The Zöllner Lab

Welcome to the Zöllner lab. Here, we are interested in questions that lie at the intersection between population genetics and genetic epidemiology. Understanding the processes that generate risk alleles underlying heritable diseases allows us to design more powerful genetic studies and helps us to ensure that benefits of genetic research affect all human populations. 

News and upcoming events:

11/9/2018: Congratulations to Jiongming for his award for outstanding academic performance! Congratulations to Pedro for his award for outstanding performance as a graduate student instructor! Well done, guys.


10/26/2018: Congratulations to Dr Jeddidiah Carlson for an exciting dissertation and a great thesis defense! On to bigger things!


9/14/2018: Our paper "Extremely rare variants reveal patterns of germline mutation rate heterogeneity in humans" appeared in nature communications!


8/25/18:  The fifth annual midwest popgen meeting at the University of Minnesota is in the books! Big thanks to Yaniv Brandvain for organizing.  

Congratulations to Yichin Si for her poster award for "A coalescent model for the imputation of rare variants." 

Next year's conference will be hosted by Matthias Steinrücken at the University of Chicago.


6/26/18: Well, there is a new website. I will continue to add content and I'm happy to entertain any comments about my (lack of) webdesign skills.