University of Michigan Center for Statistical 




The program is based on a LD-aware method to infer genotypes and phasing for sequencing in trios (or mixed with undrelated individuals). 
A brief tutorial is given below. A more detailed version is on 

wiki page or Goncalo Abecasis

The following parameters are available.  Ones with "[]" are in effect:

Available Options
   Shotgun Sequences : --shotgun [],--pedfile []
      Markov Sampler : --seed [123456], --burnin, --rounds [2]
          Haplotyper : --states, --errorRate [0.01], --compact
             Phasing : --randomPhase [ON], --inputPhased, --refPhased
        Output Files : --prefix [], --interimInterval
Explanations of the some input parameters.

--shotgunStandard VCF 4.0 file LINK
--pedfilePedigree file in MERLIN format LINK
--randomPhaseThe initial haplotypes are inferred from the single marker
--inputPhasedThe initial haplotypes are directly from input VCF file
--refPhasedThe initial haplotypes are built on reference alleles from VCF file
--interimIntervalThe number of rounds for interim outputs
An example:

./TrioCaller --shotgun test.vcf --pedfile test.ped --states 50 --randomPhase --rounds 30 --prefix result


Citation: Wei Chen, Bingshan Li, Serena Sanna, Carlo Sidore, Fabio Busonero, Yun Li and Goncalo Abecasis. Genotype Calling and Haplotyping In Parent-Offspring Trios (2011) Submitted


University of Michigan | School of Public Health