Genome Wide Associations Scans for HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides

Meta-Analyses Tables
The three tables below summarize the results of the meta-analysis described
in Kathiresan et al. (2009). Each table includes seven columns: the rs#
for each SNP evaluated, the two alleles of the SNP in genome-build 35, the
number of individuals evaluated for this SNP, the combined z-statistic for
the SNP (a positive statistic indicates allele 1 was associated with increased
trait values), the corresponding p-value, and a summary of the observed direction
effect in each study contributing to the meta-analysis. The files included both genotyped
and imputed SNPs and are provided in a compressed text file to conserve space.
HDL-C Meta-Analysis Results METAHDL2009.zip
LDL-C Meta-Analysis Results METALDL2009.zip
Triglycerides Meta-Analysis Results METATG2009.zip
Results for our previous meta-analysis are also available online (Willer et al, 2008 results).
Please e-mail Goncalo Abecasis or
Cristen Willer with comments or
Update History
January 20, 2009 Initial Posting of Results Files
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