University of Michigan Center for Statistical 


Genome Wide Associations Scans for Total Cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C and triglycerides

Meta-Analysis Tables

The three tables below summarize the results of the meta-analysis described in Teslovich et al, Nature (2010). Each table includes eight columns: the rs# for each SNP evaluated, the two alleles of the SNP in genome-build 36, the number of individuals evaluated for this SNP, the combined z-statistic for the SNP, the combined p-value for each SNP, the overall direction of effect (a positive statistic indicates allele 1 was associated with increased trait values), and a summary of the observed direction effect in each study contributing to the meta-analysis. The files included both genotyped and imputed SNPs and are provided in a compressed text file to conserve space. Further annotation of file contents is available at the bottom of this webpage

Update: Tables that also include effect size estimates, in standard deviation units, for each variant are now also available for download. Please note that these files are quite a bit larger (about 40%).

Total Cholesterol Meta-Analysis Results
HDL-C Meta-Analysis Results      
LDL-C Meta-Analysis Results      
Triglycerides Meta-Analysis Results
Results for our previous meta-analyses are also available online, see Kathiresan et al, 2009 results and Willer et al, 2008 results.

Columns in Result Files

Column Label Description
Marker This is the marker name.
Allele1 This the allele used as the effect allele.
Allele2 This is the "other" allele.
Weight The sum of the individual study weights (typically, N) for this marker.
GC.Zscore The combined z-statistic for this marker, after genomic control correction.
GC.Pvalue Meta-analysis p-value, after genomic control correction.
Overall Overall direction of effect. Positive values indicate allele1 raises trait values.
Direction Summary of effect direction for each study, with one '+', '-' or '=' per study. Missing values labeled as '?'.
Effect Effect size estimates in standard deviation units.
StdErr Standard error for effect size estiamtes.

Order of studies for Direction of Effect Information

Full study descriptions are available in Online Supplementary Material for the Main Paper. The "Direction" column refers to studies in the following order:
STUDY No. Label
Study 1 AGES
Study 2 ARIC
Study 3 KORA
Study 4 Framingham Heart Study
Study 5 FUSION (Meta-analysis of T2D cases and controls)
Study 6 B58C-T1DGC
Study 7 B58C-WTCCC
Study 8 COLAUS
Study 11 FENLAND
Study 12 WGHS
Study 13 BRIGHT
Study 14 ENGAGE (Meta-analysis of FINRISK, NFBC66, RS-I, RS-II, GENMETS, ERF, MICROS, NSPHS, ORCADES, Vis, and six twin studies)
Study 15 PARC
Study 16 CHS
Study 17 BLSA
Study 18 InCHIANTI
Study 19 SardiNIA
Study 20 SuViMax
Study 21 MEDSTAR (Meta-analysis of myocardial infarction cases and controls)
Study 22 PENNCATH (Meta-analysis of myocardial infarction cases and controls)
Study 23 LOLIPOP
Study 24 DGI (Meta-analysis of T2D cases and controls)
Study 25 Family Heart Study

Please e-mail Goncalo Abecasis or Tanya Teslovich with comments or suggestions.


University of Michigan | School of Public Health | Abecasis Lab