University of Michigan Center for Statistical 


QTDT - Command Line Options

 Column  Description
-d datafile Data File Name. Specifies that datafile should be used as input data file.
-p pedfile Pedigree File Name. Specifies that pedfile should be used as the input pedigree file.
-i ibdfile IBD File Name. Specifies that IBD information is stored in ibdfile.
-x miss Missing Value. Specifies that numeric values matching miss should not be included in the analyses.
-a[model] Association model. Common options include -a- (do not model association), -aa (Allison's TDTQ5), -am (Monks et al refinement of the Rabinowitz model) and -ao (the orthogonal model of Abecasis et al, which we recommend!), and -ad for a test using only affected individuals.
-c[covariates] Covariates. Options include u (user-defined covariates from the pedigree file), s (sex) and p (parental phenotypes) and may be combined.
-w[components] Variances model. Specify a model for the variances. Commonly used variance components include the environmental variance (e), polygenic variance (g) and additive major locus (a). To select all three use -wega.
-v[components] Another variances model. To compare two models for the variances use this option as well as -w. For example, to evaluate the significance of polygenic effects use specify -we -veg.
-n Numeric Minimizer. Select a numeric minimization strategy for solving variance components problems. Available options are -nf to use the Fletcher-Reeves refinement of the Polak-Ribiere algorithm, -np to use Powell's conjugate directions method or -nn to use the Nelder-Meed downhill simplex method.
-t Transmission Scoring. Decide whether to score allelic transmission using the complete pedigree (-tp) or within nuclear families (-tn)
-m9999 Permutations. Specify how many permutations should be run to compute an empirical p-value.
--dominance, -g Include a dominance parameter when modelling association.
--snp, -1 Analysis of SNP data. Test only the first allele at each marker.
--multi-allelic, -9 Global test of association. Test for association considering all alleles at a particular marker simultaneously, thereby reducing multiple testing.
--exclude-founder-phenotypes Excludes founder phenotypes when building regression or variance components models.
--p-values Display all p-values. By default, only p-values of 0.10 or less are displayed.
--deviates Phenotypes are deviates from population mean. Assume that the population mean has been subtracted from each phenotype in the pedigree file. This option is only suitable for the Monks and Rabinowitz tests and is useful in the analysis of selected samples.
-o[option] Parent of Origin Effects.


University of Michigan | School of Public Health | Abecasis Lab