POLY Input Files


The input files include at least a data file and a pedigree file. They can be specified with the -d and -p parameters respectively. Using both these options, the command line will look like this:

   prompt> poly -d ex.dat -p ex.ped
POLY supports both files in LINKAGE, GENEHUNTER, and MERLIN format. Please read MERLIN tutorial for details of MERLIN input files.


Simple models can be specified on the command line without requiring a model input file:
--trait trait_names specifies one or more traits to be analyzed. All traits will be analyzed if not specified.
--covariate covariate_names specifies covariates to be included in the model. No covariates will be adjusted if not specified.
--normalize normalizes trait(s) through inverse normal transformation prior to analysis.

For example, the following command applies inverse normal transformation to traits HEIGHT and WEIGHT, and carries out polygenic analyses adjusting for sex and age:

   prompt> poly -d ex.dat -p ex.ped --trait HEIGHT,WEIGHT --cov sex,age --norm 


When the model you would like to specify is getting more complicated, a model input file can be quite helpful for your analysis. A model input file looks like this:

   covdef age2 cage 2 ^
   covariate sex age cage2
   variance pa pe pd

   model d
   norm on
Then the command line looks like this:
   prompt> poly -d ex.dat -p ex.ped -t ex.mod 

Elements of a model input file include:


1. Pilia G, Chen WM, et al. (2006) Heritabilities of cardiovascular and personality traits in 6,148 Sardinians. PLoS Genet 2(8):e132[PDF]
2. Chen WM, Abecasis GR (2006) Estimating the power of variance component linkage analysis in large pedigrees. Genet Epidemiol 30:471-484[PDF]

Last updated: June 27, 2007 by Wei-Min Chen