University of Michigan Center for Statistical 


EPACTS download

The latest version of EPACTS is 3.2.6. If you use EPACTS, please e-mail, or join in EPACTS Google Group

Source distribution

Source version is expected compile and run in most UNIX platforms.

  EPACTS-3.2.6.tar.gz (165MB) 

Source distribution

Source distribution of EPACTS will be available soon.

Supporting files

You will need to download the reference sequence file (currently supports only GRCh37) to run EPACTS with annotation support. You can also download these files using 'epacts download' command as documented in the wiki page

    Download the GRCh37 FASTA file (871MB) from 1000G FTP and **COPY and UNCOMPRESSS (using gzip -d)** them to ${EPACTS_DIR}/share/EPACTS/
Download the GRCh37 FASTA index file from 1000G FTP and copy them to ${EPACTS_DIR}/share/EPACTS/

Previous versions

  EPACTS-3.2.5.tar.gz (165MB) 
  EPACTS-3.2.4.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.2.3.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.2.2.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.2.1.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.2.0.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.1.0.tar.gz (100MB) 
  EPACTS-3.0.0.tar.gz (99MB) 
  epacts.v2.2.0.20121026.tar.gz (94MB) 
    epacts_v2.12.noref_binary.2012_10_01.tar.gz (2012/10/01)
    epacts_v2.11.noref_binary.2012_09_28.tar.gz (2012/09/28)
    epacts_v2.1.noref_binary.2012_09_27.tar.gz (2012/09/27)
    epacts_v2_01.noref_binary.2012_07_06.tar.gz (2012/07/06)
    epacts2.noref_binary.2012_07_03.tar.gz (2012/07/03)


University of Michigan | School of Public Health