University of Michigan Center for Statistical 
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BestRepeat-package(BestRepeat)R Documentation

Overall Description for the BestRepeat package


This package calculates the optimal number of repeated measurements for variance components models for nuclear families with or without parental phenotypes.


Package: BestRepeat
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2008-02-28
License: GPL-2

Use BestRepeat(Vm, cost.pheno, Va, Vg, Ve, s) to get the optimal number of repeated measures when including parental phenotypes. Use woparent.BestRepeat(Vm, cost.pheno, Va, Vg, Ve, s) when parental phenotypes are not available.


Wei-Min Chen and Liming Liang

Maintainer: Liming Liang <>


Liang L, Chen WM, Sham PC and Abecasis GR. Variance Components Linkage Analysis with Repeated Measurements (2008)

[Package BestRepeat version 1.0 Index]


University of Michigan | School of Public Health