University of Michigan Center for Statistical 
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Input Parameters

All parameters can be viewed by typing the command without any parameter. The default choices are shown in [ ]. Parameters starting with '-' should be following an appropriate value. Parameters starting with '--' are switchers.

-f filename

input file name.
1) If genotypes are stored a single filie, they are named as 'filename.ped', 'filename.dat'.
2) For data separated into multiple files: they must be named as 'filename#.ped', 'filename#.dat'
where # starts from 1 to N (N is specified in -c parameter).
For data separated into multiple files. See the -f parameter.


Definition of score for the similarity scores. We recommend using ibd or alleleibs.
options are: ibd/alleleibs/rawibs/hweibs
Power parameter in dissimilarity score, default =2 is recommended



Number of markers to be use to compute the similarity scores. Usually
10,000-30,000 is sufficient. The more markers will often leads to more
accurate matching, but needs more computation time.



genetic model
additive: additive model (x = 0, 1, 2, number of allele A)
2df: free model (x = (1, 0) if AA; (0, 1) if aa; (0, 0) if Aa)


Window-size for selecting markers.
number of marker times window-size cannot be greater than the total number of markers.


The total number of controls to be matched. If unspecified, all
controls will be used.
Maximum number of cases per matched set.




Maximum number of controls per matched set.
The values for -U and -Ut depends on the case:control ratio in the sample.
Usually take the value between 2-5. A larger number may lead to
a better matching by allowing more flexibility, but may lose a little
of power when there is no stratification.

association result output filename.


output similarity scores between cases and controls or all pairs of individuals when --pairscore is in effect.
output matching result.
Output markers used for score calculation



If specified, the program will only compute the similarity score between each pair of individuals regardless of case and control labels. No matching or association analysis will be done. The output will be written to the file specified by the -os parameter. It can be used to get an idea about the stratification, e.g., it can be fed into a cluster analysis as similarity matrix.
Perform matching at each locus for individuals with non-missing genotype. Recommended when missing rate is high but will take more time.
Only output matching results
Generalized Mantel-Haenszel test used with the additive model.
Use random markers to compute similarity scores
User specified matching input. Each line of the file contains 'FamID PersonID GroupID'. FamId and PersonID could be characters. GroupID should be intergers.
User provided score (similarity score) . Input score as a matrix, row=cases and col=controls. Please check "score.out" in the package for an example.



University of Michigan | School of Public Health