University of Michigan Center for Statistical 
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I'm a former Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Gonçalo Abecasis. I am currently an assistant professor at Harvard School of Public Health. My research is focused on developing the computational and statistical tools required for understanding human genetic variation, with a particular focus on complex human disease.

Applied projects currently focus on the genetic matching for case-control samples, whole genome simulator, genetics of asthma and eczema, and genome-wide association study of global gene expression. I am also developing methods to analyze shotgun sequence data for the 1000 Genomes project.


Recent research articles.


A rapid coalescent-based whole genome simulator.
A browser to query results from a genome-wide association study of global gene expression.
The R package to calculate the optimal number of repeated measures for quantitative trait linkage analysis.


Genotype-based matching to correct for population stratification in large-scale case-control Genetic Association Studies.
The MQLS program for case-control association testing with related individals using genotype or allele dosage data
Gene expression analysis based on imputed HapMap genotypes



University of Michigan | School of Public Health