IndexBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for IndexBase, including all inherited members.
getBinsForRegion(uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint16_t binList[MAX_NUM_BINS]) (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected, static]
getMinOffsetFromLinearIndex(int32_t refID, uint32_t position, uint64_t &minOffset) const (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase
getNumRefs() const IndexBase
IndexBase() (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase
LINEAR_INDEX_SHIFT (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected, static]
MAX_NUM_BINS (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected, static]
MAX_POSITION (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected, static]
myRefs (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected]
n_ref (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [protected]
readIndex(const char *filename)=0IndexBase [pure virtual]
resetIndex()IndexBase [virtual]
~IndexBase() (defined in IndexBase)IndexBase [virtual]
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