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GPU-computing Greatly Accelerate Motif Analysis

Computational discovery and detection of TF binding patterns has become an indispensible tool in functional genomics research. Probabilistic approaches utilizing Position-Specific Weight Matrix (PSWM) have demonstrated superior performance; however, they are generally time-consuming. Given that most of the computa-tion time is spent calculating matching scores position by position, scalable approaches that can take advantage of parallel hardware architectures are highly desirable. Using NVIDIA Cuda, we have developed a graphics processing unit (GPU)-accelerated motif analysis software library named motifGPU. Extensive performance comparison studies on two different graphics cards from NVIDIA, (GeForce) GTX 260 and GeForce GTX 480, showed that commonly-used model-based motif scan procedures can be dramatically accelerated using our library. De novo motif discovery can also benefit from our GPU-accelerated tools.

Download program

Download the latest version of motifGPU library. [August, 2010]


The manuscript describing motifGPU library.


For bug report, questions or comments, please contact Pooya Zandevakili (zandv@umich.edu).
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