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CSG Software Registration - RHMAP

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this registration form. It will enable us to keep you informed of updates and bug-fixes and help gauge the level of interest in the project. If you have problems with this form, send the program author an Email - Michael Boehnke at boehnke@umich.edu

User Information






Program Information



In exchange for receiving a copy of RHMAP, I agree to the following conditions:

  1. I will not redistribute any part of the software package and will take care that any copies in my possession will be held in confidence. If I leave my current institution, I will certify destruction of all copies of this software, unless this agreement is renegotiated by another investigator at the institution.
  2. I will use the following citation in each of my publications based in whole or in part on the software:
    Boehnke M., Lunetta K., Hauser E., Lange K., Uro J., and VanderStoep J. RHMAP: Statistical Package for Multipoint Radiation Version 3.0, September 1996
  3. I accept full responsibility for the use of the programs by myself and by my staff and for our interpretation of output from them. I understand that no warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy and functioning of the programs.