In exchange for receiving a copy of WINNER, I agree to the following conditions:
- I will not redistribute any part of the software package and will take
care that any copies in my possession will be held in confidence.
If I leave my current institution, I will certify destruction of all
copies of this software, unless this agreement is renegotiated by another
investigator at the institution.
- I will use the following citation in each of my publications based in
whole or in part on the software:
Xiao R. and Boehnke M. 2009. Quantifying and Correcting for Winner's Curse in Genetic Association Studies. Genetic Epidemiology (In Press)
- I accept full responsibility for the use of the programs by myself and by
my staff and for our interpretation of output from them.
I understand that no warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy
and functioning of the programs.