BaseAsciiMap Member List

This is the complete list of members for BaseAsciiMap, including all inherited members.
base2complement (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
base2int (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
BASE_SPACE enum value (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
baseAIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
BaseAsciiMap() (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
baseCIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
baseColor2int (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
baseGIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
baseNIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
baseTIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
baseXIndex (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
color2int (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
COLOR_SPACE enum value (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
getBaseIndex(const char &letter) (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
getSpaceType() (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
int2base (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
int2colorSpace (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [static]
resetBaseMapType() (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
resetPrimerCount() (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
setBaseMapType(SPACE_TYPE spaceType) (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
setNumPrimerBases(int numPrimerBases) (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap [inline]
SPACE_TYPE enum name (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
UNKNOWN enum value (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
~BaseAsciiMap() (defined in BaseAsciiMap)BaseAsciiMap
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