GenomeSequence Class Reference

Create/Access/Modify/Load Genome Sequences stored as binary mapped files. More...

#include <GenomeSequence.h>

Inheritance diagram for GenomeSequence:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GenomeSequence:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GenomeSequence ()
 Simple constructor - no implicit file open.
void constructorClear ()
 GenomeSequence (std::string &referenceFilename)
 attempt to open an existing sequence
 GenomeSequence (const char *referenceFilename)
 Smarter constructor - attempt to open an existing sequence.
 ~GenomeSequence ()
 Close the file if open and destroy the object.
bool open (bool isColorSpace=false, int flags=O_RDONLY)
 open the reference specified using GenomeSequence::setReferenceName
bool open (const char *filename, int flags=O_RDONLY)
 open the given file as the genome (no filename munging occurs).
bool create ()
bool create (bool isColor)
void setProgressStream (std::ostream &progressStream)
void setColorSpace (bool colorSpace)
void setSearchCommonFileSuffix (bool searchCommonFileSuffix)
bool loadFastaData (const char *filename)
bool setReferenceName (std::string referenceFilename)
 set the reference name that will be used in open()
void setApplication (std::string application)
 set the application name in the binary file header
const std::string & getFastaName () const
const std::string & getReferenceName () const
bool isColorSpace () const
 tell us if we are a color space reference or not
genomeIndex_t getNumberBases () const
 return the number of bases represented in this reference
int getChromosome (genomeIndex_t position) const
 given a whole genome index, get the chromosome it is located in
int getChromosome (const char *chromosomeName) const
 given a chromosome name, return the chromosome index
int getChromosomeCount () const
 Return the number of chromosomes in the genome.
genomeIndex_t getChromosomeStart (int chromosomeIndex) const
 given a chromosome, return the genome base it starts in
genomeIndex_t getChromosomeSize (int chromosomeIndex) const
 given a chromosome, return its size in bases
genomeIndex_t getGenomePosition (const char *chromosomeName, unsigned int chromosomeIndex) const
 given a chromosome name and position, return the genome position
genomeIndex_t getGenomePosition (int chromosome, unsigned int chromosomeIndex) const
 given a chromosome index and position, return the genome position
genomeIndex_t getGenomePosition (const char *chromosomeName) const
 given the chromosome name, get the corresponding 0 based genome index for the start of that chromosome
genomeIndex_t getGenomePosition (int chromosomeIndex) const
const std::string & getBaseFilename () const
const char * getChromosomeName (int chromosomeIndex) const
void setDebugFlag (bool d)
genomeIndex_t sequenceLength () const
const char * chromosomeName (int chr) const
void sanityCheck (MemoryMap &fasta) const
std::string IntegerToSeq (unsigned int n, unsigned int wordsize) const
bool wordMatch (unsigned int index, std::string &word) const
bool printNearbyWords (unsigned int index, unsigned int variance, std::string &word) const
char BasePair (char c) const
void dumpSequenceSAMDictionary (std::ostream &) const
void dumpHeaderTSV (std::ostream &) const
char operator[] (genomeIndex_t index) const
 Return the bases in base space or color space for within range index, ot.
uint8_t getInteger (genomeIndex_t index) const
void set (genomeIndex_t index, char value)
uint8_t * getDataPtr (genomeIndex_t index)
 obtain the pointer to the raw data for other access methods
void getReverseRead (std::string &read)
void getReverseRead (String &read)
int debugPrintReadValidation (std::string &read, std::string &quality, char direction, genomeIndex_t readLocation, int sumQuality, int mismatchCount, bool recurse=true)
void getString (std::string &str, int chromosome, genomeIndex_t index, int baseCount) const
void getString (String &str, int chromosome, genomeIndex_t index, int baseCount) const
void getString (std::string &str, genomeIndex_t index, int baseCount) const
void getString (String &str, genomeIndex_t index, int baseCount) const
void getHighLightedString (std::string &str, genomeIndex_t index, int baseCount, genomeIndex_t highLightStart, genomeIndex_t highLightEnd) const
void print30 (genomeIndex_t) const
genomeIndex_t simpleLocalAligner (std::string &read, std::string &quality, genomeIndex_t index, int windowSize) const
int getMismatchCount (std::string &read, genomeIndex_t location, char exclude='\0') const
 Return the mismatch count, disregarding CIGAR strings.
int getSumQ (std::string &read, std::string &qualities, genomeIndex_t location) const
 brute force sumQ - no sanity checking
void getMismatchHatString (std::string &result, const std::string &read, genomeIndex_t location) const
void getMismatchString (std::string &result, const std::string &read, genomeIndex_t location) const
void getChromosomeAndIndex (std::string &, genomeIndex_t) const
void getChromosomeAndIndex (String &, genomeIndex_t) const
bool checkRead (std::string &read, std::string &qualities, std::string &cigar, int &sumQ, int &gapOpenCount, int &gapExtendCount, int &gapDeleteCount, std::string &result) const
 check a SAM format read, using phred quality scores and the CIGAR string to determine if it is correct.
bool populateDBSNP (mmapArrayBool_t &dbSNP, std::ifstream &inputFile) const
bool loadDBSNP (mmapArrayBool_t &dbSNP, const char *inputFileName) const
 user friendly dbSNP loader.

Static Public Attributes

static const int baseAIndex = 000
static const int baseTIndex = 001
static const int baseCIndex = 002
static const int baseGIndex = 003
static const int baseNIndex = 004
static const int baseXIndex = 005
static unsigned char base2int []
static const char int2base [] = "ACGTNMXXXXXXXXXX"
static const char int2colorSpace [] = "0123NXXXXXXXXXXX"
static unsigned char base2complement []

Detailed Description

Create/Access/Modify/Load Genome Sequences stored as binary mapped files.

GenomeSequence is designed to be a high performance shared access reference object.

It is implemented as a MemoryMapArray template object with unsigned 8 bit ints, each of which stores two bases. Although 2 bits could be used, most references have more than four symbols (usually at least including 'N', indicating an unknown or masked out base).

Normal use of this class follows these steps:

  1. create the reference
    1. instantiate the GenomeSequence class object
    2. create the actual file (memory mapped) that is to hold the data
    3. populate the data using GenomeSequence::set
  2. use the reference
    1. use the reference by instantiating a GenomeSequence object
    2. either use the constructor with the reference filename
    3. or use GenomeSequence::setReferenceName() followed by open
    4. access the bases via the overloaded array operator []
    5. check sequence length by using GenomeSequence::getNumberBases()
  3. accessing chromosomes in the reference
    1. you typically will need to know about the chromosomes in the sequence
    2. see methods and docs with prefix 'getChromosome'

Sharing is accomplished using the mmap() function via the MemoryMap base class. This allows a potentially large genome reference to be shared among a number of simultaneously executing instances of one or more programs sharing the same reference.

Definition at line 238 of file GenomeSequence.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GenomeSequence::GenomeSequence ( std::string &  referenceFilename  )  [inline]

attempt to open an existing sequence

referenceFilename the name of the reference fasta file to open
debug if true, additional debug information is printed

Definition at line 284 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00285     {
00286         constructorClear();
00287         setup(referenceFilename.c_str());
00288     }

GenomeSequence::GenomeSequence ( const char *  referenceFilename  )  [inline]

Smarter constructor - attempt to open an existing sequence.

referenceFilename the name of the reference fasta file to open
debug if true, additional debug information is printed

Definition at line 294 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00295     {
00296         constructorClear();
00297         setup(referenceFilename);
00298     }

Member Function Documentation

bool GenomeSequence::checkRead ( std::string &  read,
std::string &  qualities,
std::string &  cigar,
int &  sumQ,
int &  gapOpenCount,
int &  gapExtendCount,
int &  gapDeleteCount,
std::string &  result 
) const

check a SAM format read, using phred quality scores and the CIGAR string to determine if it is correct.

read the read in base space
qualities the phred encoded qualities (Sanger, not Illumina)
cigar the SAM file CIGAR column
sumQ if >0 on entry, is checked against the computed sumQ
insertions count of insertions found in
int GenomeSequence::getChromosome ( const char *  chromosomeName  )  const

given a chromosome name, return the chromosome index

This is done via a linear search of the chromosome table in the header of the mapped file, so it is O(N)

chromosomeName the name of the chromosome - exact match only
0-based index into chromosome table - INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX if error

Definition at line 796 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

00797 {
00798     unsigned int i;
00799     for (i=0; i<header->_chromosomeCount; i++)
00800     {
00801         if (strcmp(header->_chromosomes[i].name, chromosomeName)==0)
00802         {
00803             return i;
00804         }
00805     }
00807 }

int GenomeSequence::getChromosome ( genomeIndex_t  position  )  const

given a whole genome index, get the chromosome it is located in

This is done via a binary search of the chromosome table in the header of the mapped file, so it is O(log(N))

0-based position the base in the genome
0-based index into chromosome table - INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX if error

Definition at line 719 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

Referenced by getGenomePosition().

00720 {
00721     if (position == INVALID_GENOME_INDEX) return INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX;
00723     if (header->_chromosomeCount == 0)
00724         return INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX;
00726     int start = 0;
00727     int stop = header->_chromosomeCount - 1;
00729     // eliminate case where position is in the last chromosome, since the loop
00730     // below falls off the end of the list if it in the last one.
00732     if (position > header->_chromosomes[stop].start)
00733         return (stop);
00735     while (start <= stop)
00736     {
00737         int middle = (start + stop) / 2;
00739         if (position >= header->_chromosomes[middle].start && position < header->_chromosomes[middle + 1].start)
00740             return middle;
00742         if (position == header->_chromosomes[middle + 1].start)
00743             return (middle + 1);
00745         if (position > header->_chromosomes[middle + 1].start)
00746             start = middle + 1;
00748         if (position < header->_chromosomes[middle].start)
00749             stop = middle - 1;
00750     }
00752     return -1;
00753 }

int GenomeSequence::getChromosomeCount (  )  const

Return the number of chromosomes in the genome.

number of chromosomes in the genome

Definition at line 713 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

00714 {
00715     return header->_chromosomeCount;
00716 }

genomeIndex_t GenomeSequence::getChromosomeSize ( int  chromosomeIndex  )  const [inline]

given a chromosome, return its size in bases

0-based chromosome index
size of the chromosome in bases

Definition at line 411 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00412     {
00413         if (chromosomeIndex==INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX) return 0;
00414         return header->_chromosomes[chromosomeIndex].size;
00415     }

genomeIndex_t GenomeSequence::getChromosomeStart ( int  chromosomeIndex  )  const [inline]

given a chromosome, return the genome base it starts in

0-based chromosome index
0-based genome index of the base that starts the chromosome

Definition at line 401 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00402     {
00403         if (chromosomeIndex==INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX) return INVALID_GENOME_INDEX;
00404         return header->_chromosomes[chromosomeIndex].start;
00405     }

uint8_t* GenomeSequence::getDataPtr ( genomeIndex_t  index  )  [inline]

obtain the pointer to the raw data for other access methods

this is a fairly ugly hack to reach into the raw genome vector, get the byte that encodes two bases, and return it. This is used by karma ReadIndexer::getSumQ to compare genome matchines by byte (two bases at a time) to speed it up.

Definition at line 557 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00558     {
00559         return ((uint8_t *) data + index/2);
00560     }

genomeIndex_t GenomeSequence::getGenomePosition ( int  chromosome,
unsigned int  chromosomeIndex 
) const

given a chromosome index and position, return the genome position

chromosome index of the chromosome
chromosomeIndex 1-based chromosome position
genome index of the above chromosome position

Definition at line 770 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

00773 {
00774     if (chromosome<0 || chromosome >= (int) header->_chromosomeCount) return INVALID_GENOME_INDEX;
00776     genomeIndex_t i = header->_chromosomes[chromosome].start;
00778     return i + chromosomeIndex - 1;
00779 }

genomeIndex_t GenomeSequence::getGenomePosition ( const char *  chromosomeName,
unsigned int  chromosomeIndex 
) const

given a chromosome name and position, return the genome position

chromosomeName name of the chromosome - exact match only
chromosomeIndex 1-based chromosome position
genome index of the above chromosome position

Definition at line 761 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

Referenced by SamTags::createMDTag(), SamQuerySeqWithRefIter::reset(), SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithEquals(), and SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithoutEquals().

00764 {
00765     genomeIndex_t i = getGenomePosition(chromosomeName);
00767     return i + chromosomeIndex - 1;
00768 }

int GenomeSequence::getMismatchCount ( std::string &  read,
genomeIndex_t  location,
char  exclude = '\0' 
) const [inline]

Return the mismatch count, disregarding CIGAR strings.

read is the sequence we're counting mismatches in
location is where in the genmoe we start comparing
exclude is a wildcard character (e.g. '.' or 'N')
number of bases that don't match the reference, except those that match exclude

Definition at line 619 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00620     {
00621         int mismatchCount = 0;
00622         for (uint32_t i=0; i<read.size(); i++)
00623             if (read[i]!=exclude) mismatchCount += read[i]!=(*this)[location + i];
00624         return mismatchCount;
00625     };

genomeIndex_t GenomeSequence::getNumberBases (  )  const [inline]

return the number of bases represented in this reference

count of bases

Definition at line 371 of file GenomeSequence.h.

Referenced by loadDBSNP(), and operator[]().

00372     {
00373         return getElementCount();
00374     }

int GenomeSequence::getSumQ ( std::string &  read,
std::string &  qualities,
genomeIndex_t  location 
) const [inline]

brute force sumQ - no sanity checking

read shotgun sequencer read string
qualities phred quality string of same length
location the alignment location to check sumQ

Definition at line 632 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00633     {
00634         int sumQ = 0;
00635         for (uint32_t i=0; i<read.size(); i++)
00636             sumQ += (read[i]!=(*this)[location + i] ? (qualities[i]-33) : 0);
00637         return sumQ;
00638     };

bool GenomeSequence::isColorSpace (  )  const [inline]

tell us if we are a color space reference or not

true if colorspace, false otherwise

Definition at line 364 of file GenomeSequence.h.

Referenced by operator[]().

00365     {
00366         return _colorSpace;
00367     }

bool GenomeSequence::loadDBSNP ( mmapArrayBool_t dbSNP,
const char *  inputFileName 
) const

user friendly dbSNP loader.

inputFileName may be empty, point to a text file or a dbSNP vector file

In all cases, dbSNP is returned the same length as this genome.

When no SNPs are loaded, all values are false.

When a text file is given, the file is parsed with two space separated columns - the first column is the chromosome name, and the second is the 1-based chromosome position of the SNP.

false if a dbSNP file was correctly loaded, true otherwise

Definition at line 1252 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

References MemoryMapArray< elementT, indexT, cookieVal, versionVal, accessorFunc, setterFunc, elementCount2BytesFunc, arrayHeaderClass >::create(), getNumberBases(), and MemoryMapArray< elementT, indexT, cookieVal, versionVal, accessorFunc, setterFunc, elementCount2BytesFunc, arrayHeaderClass >::open().

01255 {
01256     //
01257     // the goal in this section of code is to allow the user
01258     // to either specify a valid binary version of the SNP file,
01259     // or the original text file that it gets created from.
01260     //
01261     // To do this, we basically open, sniff the error message,
01262     // and if it claims it is not a binary version of the file,
01263     // we go ahead and treat it as the text file and use the
01264     // GenomeSequence::populateDBSNP method to load it.
01265     //
01266     // Further checking is really needed to ensure users don't
01267     // mix a dbSNP file for a different reference, since it is really
01268     // easy to do.
01269     //
01270     if (strlen(inputFileName)!=0)
01271     {
01272         std::cerr << "Load dbSNP file '" << inputFileName << "': " << std::flush;
01274         if (, O_RDONLY))
01275         {
01276             //
01277             // failed to open, possibly due to bad magic.
01278             //
01279             // this is really awful ... need to have a return
01280             // code that is smart enough to avoid this ugliness:
01281             //
01282             if (dbSNP.getErrorString().find("wrong type of file")==std::string::npos)
01283             {
01284                 std::cerr << "Error: " << dbSNP.getErrorString() << std::endl;
01285                 exit(1);
01286             }
01287             //
01288             // we have a file, assume we can load it as a text file
01289             //
01290             std::ifstream inputFile;
01291   ;
01292             if (
01293             {
01294                 std::cerr << "Error: failed to open " << inputFileName << std::endl;
01295                 exit(1);
01296             }
01298             std::cerr << "(as text file) ";
01300             // anonymously (RAM resident only) create:
01301             dbSNP.create(getNumberBases());
01303             // now load it into RAM
01304             populateDBSNP(dbSNP, inputFile);
01305             inputFile.close();
01307         }
01308         else
01309         {
01310             std::cerr << "(as binary mapped file) ";
01311         }
01313         std::cerr << "DONE!" << std::endl;
01314         return false;
01315     }
01316     else
01317     {
01318         return true;
01319     }
01320 }

bool GenomeSequence::open ( const char *  filename,
int  flags = O_RDONLY 
) [inline, virtual]

open the given file as the genome (no filename munging occurs).

filename the name of the file to open
flags pass through to the open() call (O_RDWR lets you modify the contents)
false for success, true otherwise

Reimplemented from MemoryMapArray< elementT, indexT, cookieVal, versionVal, accessorFunc, setterFunc, elementCount2BytesFunc, arrayHeaderClass >.

Definition at line 315 of file GenomeSequence.h.

References open().

00316     {
00317         _umfaFilename = filename;
00318         return genomeSequenceArray::open(filename, flags);
00319     }

bool GenomeSequence::open ( bool  isColorSpace = false,
int  flags = O_RDONLY 

open the reference specified using GenomeSequence::setReferenceName

isColorSpace open the color space reference
flags pass through to the open() call (O_RDWR lets you modify the contents)
false for success, true otherwise

Definition at line 249 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

Referenced by open().

00250 {
00251     bool rc;
00253     if (isColorSpace)
00254     {
00255         _umfaFilename = _baseFilename + "-cs.umfa";
00256     }
00257     else
00258     {
00259         _umfaFilename = _baseFilename + "-bs.umfa";
00260     }
00262     rc = genomeSequenceArray::open(_umfaFilename.c_str(), flags);
00263     if (rc)
00264     {
00265         std::cerr << "GenomeSequence::open: failed to open file "
00266                   << _umfaFilename
00267                   << std::endl;
00268         return true;
00269     }
00271     _colorSpace = header->_colorSpace;
00273     return false;
00274 }

char GenomeSequence::operator[] ( genomeIndex_t  index  )  const [inline]

Return the bases in base space or color space for within range index, ot.

index the array-like index (0 based).
ACTGN in base space; 0123N for color space; and 'N' for invalid. For color space, index i represents the transition of base at position (i-1) to base at position i

NB: bounds checking here needs to be deprecated - do not assume it will exist - the call must clip reads so that this routine is never called with a index value larger than the genome.

The reason for this is simply that this routine gets called hundreds of billions of time in one run of karma, which will absolutely kill performance. Every single instruction here matters a great, great deal.

Definition at line 516 of file GenomeSequence.h.

References getNumberBases(), and isColorSpace().

00517     {
00518         uint8_t val;
00519         if (index < getNumberBases())
00520         {
00521             if ((index&1)==0)
00522             {
00523                 val = ((uint8_t *) data)[index>>1] & 0xf;
00524             }
00525             else
00526             {
00527                 val = (((uint8_t *) data)[index>>1] & 0xf0) >> 4;
00528             }
00529         }
00530         else
00531         {
00532             val = baseNIndex;
00533         }
00534         val = isColorSpace() ? int2colorSpace[val] : int2base[val];
00535         return val;
00536     }

void GenomeSequence::setApplication ( std::string  application  )  [inline]

set the application name in the binary file header

application name of the application

Definition at line 349 of file GenomeSequence.h.

00350     {
00351         _application = application;     // used in ::create() to set application name
00352     }

bool GenomeSequence::setReferenceName ( std::string  referenceFilename  ) 

set the reference name that will be used in open()

referenceFilename the name of the reference fasta file to open
false for success, true otherwise
See also:

Definition at line 314 of file GenomeSequence.cpp.

00315 {
00317     if (HAS_SUFFIX(referenceFilename, ".fa"))
00318     {
00319         _referenceFilename = referenceFilename;
00320         _baseFilename = _referenceFilename.substr(0, referenceFilename.size() - 3);
00321     }
00322     else if (HAS_SUFFIX(referenceFilename, ".umfa"))
00323     {
00324         _baseFilename = referenceFilename.substr(0, referenceFilename.size() - 5);
00325     }
00326     else if (HAS_SUFFIX(referenceFilename, "-cs.umfa"))
00327     {
00328         _baseFilename = referenceFilename.substr(0, referenceFilename.size() - 8);
00329     }
00330     else if (HAS_SUFFIX(referenceFilename, "-bs.umfa"))
00331     {
00332         _baseFilename = referenceFilename.substr(0, referenceFilename.size() - 8);
00333     }
00334     else
00335     {
00336         _baseFilename = referenceFilename;
00337     }
00338     _fastaFilename = _baseFilename + ".fa";
00340     return false;
00341 }

Member Data Documentation

unsigned char GenomeSequence::base2complement [static]
Initial value:


Definition at line 258 of file GenomeSequence.h.

unsigned char GenomeSequence::base2int [static]
Initial value:


Definition at line 253 of file GenomeSequence.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Aug 23 18:19:07 2011 for libStatGen Software by  doxygen 1.6.3