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Evaluating Components of Variance

QTDT can evaluate not only the evidence for association, but also estimate the significance of individual components of variance. As you will see, this is useful when evaluating if a candidate polymorphism is the disease mutation, for example. If you are not familiar with variance components, you may wish to proceed to the last section.

To evaluate the significance of one variance component, specify two alternative variance models using the -w and -v options. For example, to estimate the heritability of the trait in the sibs data set run qtdt -d sibs.dat -p sibs.ped -x-99.999 -a- -c- -we -veg. As usual, the -d, -p and -x options describe the input files. The -a- and -c- options turn off the association model and covariate, and the -we and -veg options specify you are comparing a model with only an environmental variance with a model with polygenic and environmental variances. Try running the command now...

The following models will be evaluated...
     Means = Mu
 Variances = Ve
     Means = Mu
 Variances = Ve + Vg
Testing trait:                          Trait
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     198   750.25     197   738.86   22.79  0.0000  (200 probands)

The results suggest good evidence for a polygenic component. QTDT places parameter estimates in the regress.tbl file, to see the size of the estimated polygenic effect sift through the contents of regress.tbl:

[...ignore the preceding information...]
Family #1 var-covar matrix terms [2]...[[Ve]][[Vg]]
Family #1 regression matrix...
       [linear] =
        [4 x 1]      Mu
            1.3   1.000
            1.4   1.000
            1.5   1.000
            1.6   1.000
Some useful information...
               df : 197
  log(likelihood) : 738.86
        variances :  40.330  65.786
            means :  98.625

In the FULL HYPOTHESIS section of the regress.tbl file, parameter estimates are given. Estimates for the means and variances appear in the same order as in the model description section of the QTDT output. In this case, the estimate for Ve is 40.330 and for Vg it is 65.786. The single estimated mean parameter is the phenotypic mean, in this case 98.625. As usual, estimates for variance components are quite imprecise in small samples and must be taken with a grain of salt.

To evaluate the evidence for linkage, run qtdt -d sibs.dat -p sibs.ped -i sibs.ibd -x-99.999 -a- -c- -weg -vega. This specifies that environmental and polygenic effects (-weg) should be included in the default model, but additive major locus effects should be modelled under the alternative hypothesis (-vega).

The following models will be evaluated...
     Means = Mu
 Variances = Ve + Vg
     Means = Mu
 Variances = Ve + Vg + Va
Testing trait:                          Trait
Testing marker:                         SNP_1
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     197   738.86     196   736.97    3.77  0.0521  (200 probands)
Testing marker:                         SNP_2
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     197   738.86     196   736.99    3.73  0.0535  (200 probands)
Testing marker:                         SNP_3
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     197   738.86     196   737.01    3.69  0.0546  (200 probands)

There is weak, but suggestive evidence for linkage at all three markers (p < .10). To evaluate whether a candidate marker could be the disease mutation, Fulker et al suggested modelling linkage and association simultaneously. To do this run qtdt -d sibs.dat -p sibs.ped -i sibs.ibd -x-99.999 -ao -c- -weg -vega -1. Again we are evaluating the major locus additive genetic effect (-weg -vega) but this time association is included in the model (-ao).

The following models will be evaluated...
     Means = Mu + B + W
 Variances = Ve + Vg
     Means = Mu + B + W
 Variances = Ve + Vg + Va
Testing trait:                          Trait
Testing marker:                         SNP_1
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     195   726.68     194   726.16    1.05          ( 164/200 probands)
Testing marker:                         SNP_2
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     195   730.21     194   729.86    0.70          ( 152/200 probands)
Testing marker:                         SNP_3
 Allele   df(0)  LnLk(0)   df(V)  LnLk(V)   ChiSq       p
    1 :     195   737.05     194   735.35    3.40  0.0654  ( 168/200 probands)

After modelling association, there is little residual evidence for linkage at SNP_1 and SNP_2. This suggests they are in strong disequilibrium with the disease mutation. The evidence for linkage at SNP_3 is not accounted for by association, and this suggests that SNP_3 is not the disease mutation.

To evaluate the total evidence for association and to test for population stratification, proceed to the last section.


University of Michigan | School of Public Health | Abecasis Lab