Expected power for a one-stage study (P):
Estimated statistical power given the input parameters. One-stage study (all samples genotyped on all markers in a single stage)
indicated since the CaTS power calculator version has two-stage study capability.
Expected disease allele frequency for cases (casesDAF):
Estimated frequency of the disease risk allele in the cases population.
Expected disease allele frequency for controls (controlsDAF):
Estimated frequency of the disease risk allele in the controls population.
Probability of disease for genotype A/A (with frequency AAfreq) (AAprob):
Probability that an individual with 2 copies of the disease risk allele will have the disease,
and the frequency of this genotype in the general population.
Probability of disease for genotype A/B (with frequency ABfreq) (ABprob):
Probability that an individual with 1 copy of the disease risk allele will have the disease,
and the frequency of this genotype in the general population.
Probability of disease for genotype B/B (with frequency BBfreq) (BBfreq):
Probability that an individual with 0 copies of the disease risk allele will have the disease,
and the frequency of this genotype in the general population.