University of Michigan Center for Statistical 


PSEUDO -- Graphical Output

PSEUDO can also create several useful graphical summaries of your simulation results if you tell it to do so. To see graphical summaries simply append the --pdf option to your command line

     pseudo -l pseudo.list -h pseudo.hyp --pdf -n 10000
After the code runs, you can view the results using a pdf viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have a pdf viewer, you can obtain a copy from the Adobe Acrobat Reader website.

Distribution of hits

PSEUDO will send graphical output to a file called pseudo.pdf (or .pdf if you use the --prefix str option) When you open it, the first page should be a graph similar to the one below, which shows the distribution of "hits" (chromosomes with a maximum lod greater than 2.19) among all simulated genome scans. For the current hypothesis (Hypothesis_0), most (> 8000) simulations had no hits, while a bit less than 2000 had exactly one chromosome hit. A few simulations (~100) had exactly 2 chromosomes with a "hit" and a small number simulations had exactly 3 chromosome hits. If you're interested in precise numbers for each category, you'll find them in he table titled "SIMULATED DISTRIBUTION OF SIGNIFICANT CHROMOSOMES PER SIMULATION" in the text output produced by the simulation.

Maximum lod score distributions

The next section will include several pages with distributions of the maximum genomewide lod score for each hypothesis. The figure below shows results for Hypothesis 0 for a simulation with 10000 replicates. As might be expected, the maximum lod score was distributed roughly normally, with a mean between 1.5 and 2.0.

This section will also include one page showing the maximum simulated lod score for each chromosome. If you look at Figure 3, you'll see typical Chromosome 1 results for Hypothesis_0 for our example data set. Here, chromosome 1 is one of the longer chromosomes and the maximum lod score distribution for this chromosome will be slightly right-shifted relative to shorter chromosomes.

Log hits per genome by lod score


University of Michigan | School of Public Health | Abecasis Lab