vcfCodingSnps v1.5

This version is recommended for Unix users with GNU C++ compiler.

vcfCodingSnps_v1.5.tar.gz C++ source codes and example files

The package contains:

1. a README text file
2. an executable file vcfCodingSnps.v1.5 pre-compiled on a 64-bit unix machine
3. the source codes are in vcfCodingSnps.cpp
4. a library directory ./libcsg
5. a gene file folder ./geneLists, in which we provide gene files such as CCDS gene, ENCODE gene, ensembl gene, refGene and UCSCknown gene, in both NCBI B36 and NCBI B37 assemblies
6. a ./referenceGenomes folder contains the NCBI B36 and B37 reference genomes
7. an ./example folder contains an example input VCF file "example.input.vcf" and its annotated outputs using each gene file proveded in the ./geneLists folder

The package is in total of size 1.7G. Most of the size is taken by the two reference genomes come along with the package. To save downloading time, one can chose only to download the source codes only.

vcfCodingSnps_v1.5_source.tar.gz C++ source codes with example gene files and an example input VCF file

Then one can download the reference genomes himself at
