SamRecordHelper Class Reference

Class for extracting information from a SAM Flag. More...

#include <SamRecordHelper.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static int checkSequence (SamRecord &record, int32_t pos0Based, const char *sequence)
 Helper method that checks if the record's read sequence starting at the specified 0-based reference position matches the passed in sequence.
static bool genSamTagsString (SamRecord &record, String &returnString, char delim= '\t')
 Helper to append the SAM string representation of all the tags to the specified string.
static bool genSamTagString (const char *tag, char vtype, void *value, String &returnString)
 Helper to append the SAM string representation of the specified tag to the specified string.

Detailed Description

Class for extracting information from a SAM Flag.

Definition at line 24 of file SamRecordHelper.h.

Member Function Documentation

int SamRecordHelper::checkSequence ( SamRecord record,
int32_t  pos0Based,
const char *  sequence 
) [static]

Helper method that checks if the record's read sequence starting at the specified 0-based reference position matches the passed in sequence.

returns -1 if it does not match, returns the cycle (read position) of pos0Based if it does match.

Definition at line 21 of file SamRecordHelper.cpp.

References SamRecord::get0BasedPosition(), SamRecord::getCigarInfo(), Cigar::getQueryIndex(), SamRecord::getSequence(), and Cigar::INDEX_NA.

00023 {
00024     const char* readSeq = record.getSequence();
00026     // Get the cigar.
00027     Cigar* cigar = record.getCigarInfo();
00029     if(cigar == NULL)
00030     {
00031         throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get Cigar.");
00032     }
00034     int32_t readStartIndex = 
00035         cigar->getQueryIndex(pos0Based, record.get0BasedPosition());
00037     // if the read start is negative, this position was deleted, so 
00038     // return false, it doesn't match.
00039     if(readStartIndex == Cigar::INDEX_NA)
00040     {
00041         return(false);
00042     }
00044     // Increment the readSeq start to where this position is found.
00045     readSeq += readStartIndex;
00046     if(strncmp(readSeq, sequence, strlen(sequence)) == 0)
00047     {
00048         // Match, so return the readStartIndex (cycle).
00049         return(readStartIndex);
00050     }
00051     // Did not match.
00052     return(-1);
00053 }

bool SamRecordHelper::genSamTagsString ( SamRecord record,
String returnString,
char  delim = '\t' 
) [static]

Helper to append the SAM string representation of all the tags to the specified string.

Does NOT add a preceding delimiter before the first tag.

record record whose tags to append.
returnString string to append the tags to.
delim delimiter to use to separate different tags.
true on success, false on failure/partial generation.

Definition at line 56 of file SamRecordHelper.cpp.

References genSamTagString(), SamRecord::getNextSamTag(), and SamRecord::resetTagIter().

00059 {
00060     char tag[3];
00061     char vtype;
00062     void* value;
00064     // Reset the tag iterator to ensure that all the tags are written.
00065     record.resetTagIter();
00067     // While there are more tags, write them to the recordString.
00068     bool firstEntry = true;
00069     bool returnStatus = true;
00070     while(record.getNextSamTag(tag, vtype, &value) != false)
00071     {
00072         if(!firstEntry)
00073         {
00074             returnString += delim;
00075         }
00076         else
00077         {
00078             firstEntry = false;
00079         }
00080         returnStatus &= genSamTagString(tag, vtype, value, returnString);
00081     }
00082     return(returnStatus);
00083 }

bool SamRecordHelper::genSamTagString ( const char *  tag,
char  vtype,
void *  value,
String returnString 
) [static]

Helper to append the SAM string representation of the specified tag to the specified string.

tag the tag name.
vtype the vtype.
value pointer to the value of the tag (will be cast to int, double, char, or string based on vtype).
returnString string to append the tag to.
true on success, false on failure/partial generation.

Definition at line 86 of file SamRecordHelper.cpp.

References SamRecord::isCharType(), SamRecord::isDoubleType(), SamRecord::isIntegerType(), and SamRecord::isStringType().

Referenced by genSamTagsString().

00088 {
00089     returnString += tag;
00090     returnString += ":"; 
00091     returnString += vtype;
00092     returnString += ":";
00093     if(SamRecord::isIntegerType(vtype))
00094     {
00095         returnString += (int)*(int*)value;
00096     }
00097     else if(SamRecord::isDoubleType(vtype))
00098     {
00099         returnString += (double)*(double*)value;
00100     }
00101     else if(SamRecord::isCharType(vtype))
00102     {
00103         returnString += (char)*(char*)value;
00104     }
00105     else if(SamRecord::isStringType(vtype))
00106     {
00107         // String type.
00108         returnString += (String)*(String*)value;
00109     }
00110     else
00111     {
00112         // Could not determine the type.
00113         return(false);
00114     }
00115     return(true);
00116 }

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