MERLIN Tutorial -- Linkage Analysis
Linkage analysis tests for co-segregation of a chromosomal region
and a trait of interest. In this section, we will walk through a basic
non-parametric and variance components linkage analysis using MERLIN.
For this example, we will use a simulated data set that you will find
in the examples subdirectory of the MERLIN distribution or in the
download page.
The dataset consists of a simulated 5-cM scan of chromosome 24 in
200 affected sib-pair families and is organized into 3 files, a
data file (asp.dat), a pedigree file (asp.ped) and a map file
( An overview of MERLIN input files is available
The recommended first step in any analysis is to verify that input
files are being interpreted correctly. So let's start by running
pedstats... Pedstats requires an input data file (-d parameter) and
pedigree file (-p parameter):
prompt> pedstats -d asp.dat -p asp.ped
By examining the abbreviated pedstats output below, you should be
able to confirm that there are 200 pedigrees, each with 4 individuals
(two affected siblings and their parents). Among phenotyped individuals,
the prevalence of the disease is 100% (there are no unaffecteds in the
sample) and the pedigree also includes a quantitative trait. In addition
there are no phenotyped or genotyped founders.
Pedigree Statistics
(c) 1999-2001 Goncalo Abecasis
The following parameters are in effect:
QTDT Pedigree File : asp.ped (-pname)
QTDT Data File : asp.dat (-dname)
Missing Value Code : -99.999 (-xname)
Individuals: 800 (400 founders, 400 nonfounders)
Families: 200
Average Family Sizes: 4.00
Average Generations: 2.00
[Phenotypes] [Founders] Mean Var
trait 400 50.0% 0 0.0% 0.021 1.496
[Diagnostics] [Founders] Prevalence
affection 400 50.0% 0 0.0% 100.0%
Total 400 50.0% 0 0.0%
[Genotypes] [Founders] Hetero
MRK1 400 50.0% 0 0.0% 72.8%
MRK2 400 50.0% 0 0.0% 73.2%
(...statistics for other markers would appear here...)
Total 8000 50.0% 0 0.0% 74.1%
Everything checks out, so let's run merlin! We will need to specify
an input data file (-d parameter), pedigree file (-p parameter) and
map file (-m parameter). In addition, we need to request a non-parametric
linkage analysis. In this case, we will request calculation of both the
Whittemore and Halpern NPL pairs (--pairs) and NPL all (--npl) statistics:
prompt> merlin -d asp.dat -p asp.ped -m --pairs --npl
After running the command, you should first see the MERLIN banner and a
summary of currently selected options:
MERLIN 0.8.4 - (c) 2000-2001 Goncalo Abecasis
The following parameters are in effect:
Data File : asp.dat (-dname)
Pedigree File : asp.ped (-pname)
Missing Value Code : -99.999 (-xname)
Map File : (-mname)
Allele Frequencies : ALL INDIVIDUALS (-f[a|e|f|file])
Steps Per Interval : 0 (-i9999)
Random Seed : 123456 (-r9999)
Data Analysis Options
General : --error, --ibd, --kinship, --information
Linkage : --npl [ON], --pairs [ON], --qtl, --deviates, --vc
Haplotyping : --best, --sample, --all, --founders
Recombination : --zero, --one, --two, --three, --singlepoint
Limits : --bits [24], --megabytes
Output : --quiet, --markerNames
Simulation : --simulate, --save
Additional : --simwalk2, --matrices, --swap
Notice that allele frequencies were estimated by counting among
all individuals (the default). Alternatively, one could calculate
allele frequencies among founders only (-ff), request equal allele
frequencies (-fe) or use an
allele frequency file with custom frequencies.
After a few moments, you should see analysis results at each
Phenotype: affection [ALL] (200 families)
Pos Zmean pvalue delta LOD pvalue
min -20.00 1.0 -0.707 -60.21 1.0
max 20.00 0.00000 0.707 60.21 0.00000
0.000 0.96 0.2 0.092 0.27 0.13
5.268 1.39 0.08 0.126 0.54 0.06
10.536 1.27 0.10 0.110 0.43 0.08
15.804 1.43 0.08 0.128 0.56 0.05
21.072 0.88 0.2 0.083 0.22 0.2
26.340 1.37 0.08 0.130 0.55 0.06
31.608 1.53 0.06 0.151 0.71 0.04
36.876 2.18 0.014 0.197 1.32 0.007
42.144 2.60 0.005 0.218 1.75 0.002
47.412 3.00 0.0014 0.251 2.33 0.0005
52.680 3.43 0.0003 0.286 3.05 0.00009
(... results continue at other locations...)
The first two lines indicate the maximum possible scores for this dataset. These are followed by
analysis results at each location (cM position, Zscore, p-value assuming normal approximation, Kong
and Cox delta, K&C LOD score and K&C p-value). You will notice that results are identical for the NPL
all and pairs statistics -- this is always the case for families with a single affected sib-pair!
Linkage peaks at location 52.68 with a Zscore of 3.43 (assymptotic p-value of 0.0003),
corresponding to a Kong and Cox LOD score of 3.05 with probability 0.00009.
Two Merlin options can be helpful when sorting through large masses of linkage results. These
two options are the --pdf option, which generates a simple graphical summary of your linkage
curves, and the --tabulate option, which generates a tab-delimited file summarizing all the
results for easy analysis in other programs.
Other commonly used linkage analysis options include requesting
output with marker names, instead of cM positions (--markerNames
option) and requesting analysis between markers (--steps n for n
steps per interval) or along a grid of equally spaced locations along
the chromosome (--grid n for an n-cM grid). Try them out! For example...
prompt> merlin -d asp.dat -p asp.ped -m --steps 4 --pairs --markerNames
... would calculate the NPL pairs statistic at 4 locations between consecutive
markers and use marker names in the output.
TIP:The standard non-parametric linkage analysis carried out by Merlin
uses the Kong and Cox (1997) linear model to evaluate the evidence for
linkage. This model is designed to identify small increases in allele sharing
spread across a large number of families -- this is what one usually expects in a
complex disease. If you are searching for a large increase in allele sharing
in a small number of families, you can select the Kong and Cox (1997) exponential
model by adding the --exp option to your command line, after the --npl
or --pairs options. This alternative model is more computationally intensive
and requires more memory, but provides a better linkage test if you expect a large
increase in allele sharing among affected individuals.
To carry out a variance components linkage analysis on the same data set,
we will use the --vc option. If you are using a peculiar value, such as
1234 or -99.999 to represent missing values in your data, remember to use the
-x peculiar_value option to tell MERLIN about it in all quantitative trait
analyses. In the asp pedigree, missing values have been replaced by
x. Let's try a variance components analysis:
prompt> merlin -d asp.dat -p asp.ped -m --vc
In the output, you will see the estimated sample heritability for each
phenotype (in this case 86%) followed by estimates of the genetic effect
and LOD scores at each marker location:
Phenotype: trait [VC] (200 families, h2 = 86.74%)
Position H2 ChiSq LOD pvalue
0.000 40.95% 5.21 1.13 0.011
5.268 51.42% 9.88 2.15 0.0008
10.536 56.26% 13.01 2.82 0.0002
15.804 65.40% 19.63 4.26 0.00000
21.072 60.89% 15.36 3.34 0.00004
(... results continue at other locations...)
In this case, linkage peaks at position 15.8 cM. You could identify
which families are contributing the most to these linkage signals using
the --perFamily option, which generates an additional file tabulating
the contribution of each family to the overall LOD score (for non-parametric
analysis this partial contribution will be labelled pLOD).
Since this is a
selected sample, you might want to check out the
simulation section to find out how to conduct gene-dropping simulations
that could be used, for example, to estimate empirical p-values. Or
proceed to the error detection (improves power!),
haplotyping or
ibd estimation sections.