Jun Ding's PublicationsDing J*#, Gudjonsson JE*, Liang L, Stuart PE, Li Y, Chen W, Weichenthal M, Ellinghaus E, Franke A, Cookson W, Nair RP, Elder JT and Abecasis GR# (2010) Gene expression in skin and lymphoblastoid cells: refined statistical method reveals extensive overlap in cis-eQTL signals.
American Journal of Human Genetics 87: 779-789.
[PDF] Zawistowski M, Gopalakrishnan S, Ding J, Li Y, Grimm S and Zollner S (2010) Extending rare-variant testing strategies: analysis of noncoding sequence and imputed genotypes.
American Journal of Human Genetics 87: 604-617.
[PDF] 1000 Genomes Project Consortium (2010) A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing.
Nature 467:1061-1073.
[PDF] Stuart PE, Nair RP, Ellinghaus E, Ding J, Tejasvi T, Gudjonsson JE, Li Y, Weidinger S, Eberlein B, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Kunz M, Ike R, Krueger GG, Bowcock AM, Mrowietz U, Lim HW, Voorhees JJ, Abecasis GR, Weichenthal M, Franke A, Rahman P, Gladman D and Elder JT (2010) Genome-wide association analysis identifies three psoriasis susceptibility loci.
Nature Genetics 42:1000-1004.
[PDF] Ellinghaus E, Ellinghaus D, Stuart PE, Nair RP, Debrus S, Raelson JV, Belouchi M, Fournier H, Reinhard C, Ding J, Li Y, Weidinger S, Eberlein B, Kunz M, Rahman P, Gladman D, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Karlsen TH, Kabelitz D, Abecasis GR, Elder JT, Schreiber S, Weichenthal M and Franke A (2010) Genome-wide association study identifies a psoriasis susceptibility locus at TRAF3IP2.
Nature Genetics 42:991-995.
[PDF] Li Y, Willer CJ, Ding J, Scheet P and Abecasis GR (2010) MaCH: using sequence and genotype data to estimate haplotypes and unobserved genotypes.
Genetic Epidemiology 34:816-834.
[PDF] Gudjonsson JE, Johnston A, Stoll SW, Riblett MB, Xing X, Kochkodan JJ, Ding J, Nair RP, Aphale A, Voorhees JJ and Elder JT (2010) Evidence for altered Wnt signaling in psoriatic skin.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130: 1849-1859.
[PDF] Gudjonsson JE*, Ding J*, Johnston A, Tejasvi T, Guzman AM, Nair RP, Voorhees JJ, Abecasis GR and Elder JT (2010) Assessment of the psoriatic transcriptome in a large sample: additional regulated genes and comparisons with in vitro models.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130: 1829-1840.
[PDF] Gudjonsson JE*, Ding J*, Li X, Nair RP, Tejasvi T, Qin ZS, Ghosh D, Aphale A, Gumucio DL, Voorhees JJ, Abecasis GR and Elder JT (2009) Global gene expression analysis reveals evidence for decreased lipid biosynthesis and increased innate immunity in uninvolved psoriatic Skin.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129:2795-2804.
[PDF] Nair RP, Ding J, Duffin KC, Helms C, Voorhees JJ, Krueger GG, Bowcock AM, Abecasis GR and Elder JT (2009). Psoriasis bench to bedside: genetics meets immunology.
Archives of Dermatology 145:462-4
[PDF] Nair RP*, Duffin KC*, Helms C*, Ding J*, Stuart PE, Goldgar D, Gudjonsson JE, Li Y, Tejasvi T, Feng BJ, Ruether A, Schreiber S, Weichenthal M, Gladman D, Rahman P, Schrodi SJ, Prahalad S, Guthery SL, Fischer J, Liao W, Kwok PY, Menter A, Lathrop GM, Wise CA, Begovich AB, Voorhees JJ, Elder JT, Krueger GG, Bowcock AM and Abecasis GR
Genome-wide scan reveals association of psoriasis with IL-23 and NF-kappaB pathways.
Nature Genetics 41:199-204
[PDF] Gudjonsson JE, Aphale A, Grachtchouk M, Ding J, Nair RP, Wang T, Voorhees JJ, Dlugosz AA and Elder JT (2009). Lack of evidence for activation of the Hedgehog pathway in psoriasis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129: 635-640 [PDF] Meyer-Lindenberg A, Nichols T, Callicott JH, Ding J, Kolachana B, Buckholtz J, Mattay VS, Egan M and Weinberger DR (2006). Impact of complex genetic variation in COMT on human brain function. Molecular psychiatry 11:867-877 [PDF] |