SamTags Class Reference

Class for parsing/creating/operating on SAM/BAM record tags. More...

#include <SamTags.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool createMDTag (String &outputMDtag, SamRecord &inputRec, GenomeSequence &genome)
 Create the MD tag for the specified input record and the genome.
static bool isMDTagCorrect (SamRecord &inputRec, GenomeSequence &genome)
 Check to see if the MD tag in the record is accurate.
static bool updateMDTag (SamRecord &inputRec, GenomeSequence &genome)

Static Public Attributes

Constants for parsing tags.

static const char * BQ_TAG = "BQ"
static const char BQ_TAG_TYPE = 'Z'
static const char * MD_TAG = "MD"
static const char MD_TAG_TYPE = 'Z'
static const char * ORIG_POS_TAG = "OP"
static const char ORIG_POS_TAG_TYPE = 'i'
static const char * ORIG_CIGAR_TAG = "OC"
static const char ORIG_CIGAR_TAG_TYPE = 'Z'
static const char * ORIG_QUAL_TAG = "OQ"
static const char ORIG_QUAL_TAG_TYPE = 'Z'

Detailed Description

Class for parsing/creating/operating on SAM/BAM record tags.

Definition at line 26 of file SamTags.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool SamTags::createMDTag ( String outputMDtag,
SamRecord inputRec,
GenomeSequence genome 
) [static]

Create the MD tag for the specified input record and the genome.

returns true if an MD tag was created, false if one could not be created.

Definition at line 34 of file SamTags.cpp.

References BaseUtilities::areEqual(), SamRecord::get0BasedPosition(), SamRecord::getCigarInfo(), Cigar::getExpectedReferenceBaseCount(), GenomeSequence::getGenomePosition(), Cigar::getQueryIndex(), SamRecord::getReferenceName(), SamRecord::getSequence(), Cigar::INDEX_NA, and BaseUtilities::isAmbiguous().

Referenced by isMDTagCorrect(), and SamValidator::isValidTags().

00036 {
00037     outputMDtag.Clear();
00038     // Get the cigar to use for determing alignment.
00039     Cigar* cigarInfo = inputRec.getCigarInfo();
00040     if(cigarInfo == NULL)
00041     {
00042         throw(std::runtime_error("Cannot createMDTag - failed to get the cigar"));
00043         return(false);
00044     }
00045     int32_t queryIndex = Cigar::INDEX_NA;
00047     // get where this read starts on the reference.
00048     uint32_t startOfReadOnRefIndex = 
00049         genome.getGenomePosition(inputRec.getReferenceName());
00050     if(startOfReadOnRefIndex == (uint32_t)INVALID_CHROMOSOME_INDEX)
00051     {
00052         // Failed to find the reference for this chromosome, so return false.
00053         return(false);
00054     }
00055     startOfReadOnRefIndex += inputRec.get0BasedPosition();
00057     // Track the number of consecutive matches.
00058     int32_t matchCount = 0;
00059     // Track if it is currently in a deletion so it knows when not to add
00060     // a '^'.
00061     bool currentDeletion = false;
00063     // Loop through the Reference indices (ignores insertions/pads/clips).
00064     for(int refOffset = 0; 
00065         refOffset < cigarInfo->getExpectedReferenceBaseCount();
00066         ++refOffset)
00067     {
00068         // Get the query index for this reference position..
00069         queryIndex = cigarInfo->getQueryIndex(refOffset);
00071         char refBase = genome[startOfReadOnRefIndex + refOffset];
00073         if(queryIndex != Cigar::INDEX_NA)
00074         {
00075             // Both the reference and the read have a base, so get the bases.
00076             char readBase = inputRec.getSequence(queryIndex);
00077             currentDeletion = false;
00079             // If neither base is unknown and they are the same, count it
00080             // as a match.
00081             if(!BaseUtilities::isAmbiguous(readBase) && 
00082                !BaseUtilities::isAmbiguous(refBase) && 
00083                (BaseUtilities::areEqual(readBase, refBase)))
00084             {
00085                 // Match, so update counter.
00086                 ++matchCount;
00087             }
00088             else
00089             {
00090                 // Mismatch, so output the number of matches if any.
00091                 if(matchCount != 0)
00092                 {
00093                     outputMDtag += matchCount;
00094                     matchCount = 0;
00095                 }
00096                 outputMDtag += refBase;
00097             }
00098         }
00099         else
00100         {
00101             // This reference position is not in the query, so it is a deletion.
00102             // Deletion, so output the number of matches if any.
00103             if(matchCount != 0)
00104             {
00105                 outputMDtag += matchCount;
00106                 matchCount = 0;
00107             }
00109             if(!currentDeletion)
00110             {
00111                 // Not currently in a deletion, so add the ^
00112                 outputMDtag += '^';
00113             }
00114             // Add the deleted base.
00115             outputMDtag += refBase;
00116             currentDeletion = true;
00117         }
00118     }
00120     // output the match count at the end.
00121     outputMDtag += matchCount;
00122     return(true);
00123 }

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