libStatGen Software  1
00001 /*
00002  *  Copyright (C) 2010-2012  Regents of the University of Michigan
00003  *
00004  *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006  *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00007  *   (at your option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00010  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00012  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
00013  *
00014  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00015  *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00016  */
00018 #include <stdlib.h>
00019 #include <limits>
00020 #include <stdexcept>
00022 #include "bam.h"
00024 #include "SamRecord.h"
00025 #include "SamValidation.h"
00027 #include "BaseUtilities.h"
00028 #include "SamQuerySeqWithRefHelper.h"
00030 const char* SamRecord::DEFAULT_READ_NAME = "UNKNOWN";
00031 const char* SamRecord::FIELD_ABSENT_STRING = "=";
00032 int SamRecord::myNumWarns = 0;
00034 SamRecord::SamRecord()
00035     : myStatus(),
00036       myRefPtr(NULL),
00037       mySequenceTranslation(NONE)
00038 {
00039     int32_t defaultAllocSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE + sizeof(int32_t);
00041     myRecordPtr = 
00042         (bamRecordStruct *) malloc(defaultAllocSize);
00044     myCigarTempBuffer = NULL;
00045     myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize = 0;
00047     allocatedSize = defaultAllocSize;
00049     resetRecord();
00050 }
00053 SamRecord::SamRecord(ErrorHandler::HandlingType errorHandlingType)
00054     : myStatus(errorHandlingType),
00055       myRefPtr(NULL),
00056       mySequenceTranslation(NONE)
00057 {
00058     int32_t defaultAllocSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE + sizeof(int32_t);
00060     myRecordPtr = 
00061         (bamRecordStruct *) malloc(defaultAllocSize);
00063     myCigarTempBuffer = NULL;
00064     myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize = 0;
00066     allocatedSize = defaultAllocSize;
00068     resetRecord();
00069 }
00072 SamRecord::~SamRecord()
00073 {
00074     resetRecord();
00076     if(myRecordPtr != NULL)
00077     {
00078         free(myRecordPtr);
00079         myRecordPtr = NULL;
00080     }
00081     if(myCigarTempBuffer != NULL)
00082     {
00083         free(myCigarTempBuffer);
00084         myCigarTempBuffer = NULL;
00085         myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize = 0;
00086     }
00087 }
00090 // Resets the fields of the record to a default value.
00091 void SamRecord::resetRecord()
00092 {
00093     myIsBufferSynced = true;
00095     myRecordPtr->myBlockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
00096     myRecordPtr->myReferenceID = -1;
00097     myRecordPtr->myPosition = -1;
00098     myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength = DEFAULT_READ_NAME_LENGTH;
00099     myRecordPtr->myMapQuality = 0;
00100     myRecordPtr->myBin = DEFAULT_BIN;
00101     myRecordPtr->myCigarLength = 0;
00102     myRecordPtr->myFlag = 0;
00103     myRecordPtr->myReadLength = 0;
00104     myRecordPtr->myMateReferenceID = -1;
00105     myRecordPtr->myMatePosition = -1;
00106     myRecordPtr->myInsertSize = 0;
00108     // Set the sam values for the variable length fields.
00109     // TODO - one way to speed this up might be to not set to "*" and just
00110     // clear them, and write out a '*' for SAM if it is empty.
00111     myReadName = DEFAULT_READ_NAME;
00112     myReferenceName = "*";
00113     myMateReferenceName = "*";
00114     myCigar = "*";
00115     mySequence = "*";
00116     mySeqWithEq.clear();
00117     mySeqWithoutEq.clear();
00118     myQuality = "*";
00119     myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer = false;
00120     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = false;
00122     // Initialize the calculated alignment info to the uncalculated value.
00123     myAlignmentLength = -1;
00124     myUnclippedStartOffset = -1;
00125     myUnclippedEndOffset = -1;
00127     clearTags();
00129     // Set the bam values for the variable length fields.
00130     // Only the read name needs to be set, the others are a length of 0.
00131     // Set the read name.  The min size of myRecordPtr includes the size for
00132     // the default read name.
00133     memcpy(&(myRecordPtr->myData), myReadName.c_str(), 
00134            myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength);
00136     // Set that the variable length buffer fields are valid.
00137     myIsReadNameBufferValid = true;
00138     myIsCigarBufferValid = true;
00139     myPackedSequence = 
00140         (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength +
00141         myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int);
00142     myIsSequenceBufferValid = true;
00143     myBufferSequenceTranslation = NONE;
00145     myPackedQuality = myPackedSequence;
00146     myIsQualityBufferValid = true;
00147     myIsTagsBufferValid = true;
00148     myIsBinValid = true;
00150     myCigarTempBufferLength = -1;
00152     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00154     NOT_FOUND_TAG_STRING = "";
00155     NOT_FOUND_TAG_INT = -1; // TODO - deprecate
00156 }
00159 // Returns whether or not the record is valid.
00160 // Header is needed to perform some validation against it.
00161 bool SamRecord::isValid(SamFileHeader& header)
00162 {
00163     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00164     SamValidationErrors invalidSamErrors;
00165     if(!SamValidator::isValid(header, *this, invalidSamErrors))
00166     {
00167         // The record is not valid.
00168         std::string errorMessage = "";
00169         invalidSamErrors.getErrorString(errorMessage);
00170         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, errorMessage.c_str());
00171         return(false);
00172     }
00173     // The record is valid.
00174     return(true);
00175 }
00178 void SamRecord::setReference(GenomeSequence* reference)
00179 {
00180     myRefPtr = reference;
00181 }
00184 // Set the type of sequence translation to use when getting
00185 // the sequence.  The default type (if this method is never called) is
00186 // NONE (the sequence is left as-is).  This is used 
00187 void SamRecord::setSequenceTranslation(SequenceTranslation translation)
00188 {
00189     mySequenceTranslation = translation;
00190 }
00193 bool SamRecord::setReadName(const char* readName) 
00194 {
00195     myReadName = readName;
00196     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00197     myIsReadNameBufferValid = false;
00198     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00200     // The read name must at least have some length, otherwise this is a parsing
00201     // error.
00202     if(myReadName.Length() == 0)
00203     {
00204         // Invalid - reset ReadName return false.
00205         myReadName = DEFAULT_READ_NAME;
00206         myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength = DEFAULT_READ_NAME_LENGTH;
00207         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, "0 length Query Name.");
00208         return(false);
00209     }
00211     return true;
00212 }
00215 bool SamRecord::setFlag(uint16_t flag)
00216 {
00217     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00218     myRecordPtr->myFlag = flag;
00219     return true;
00220 }
00223 bool SamRecord::setReferenceName(SamFileHeader& header,
00224                                  const char* referenceName) 
00225 {
00226     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00228     myReferenceName = referenceName;
00229     // If the reference ID does not already exist, add it (pass true)
00230     myRecordPtr->myReferenceID = header.getReferenceID(referenceName, true);
00232     return true;
00233 }
00236 bool SamRecord::set1BasedPosition(int32_t position) 
00237 {
00238     return(set0BasedPosition(position - 1));
00239 }
00242 bool SamRecord::set0BasedPosition(int32_t position)
00243 {
00244     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00245     myRecordPtr->myPosition = position;
00246     myIsBinValid = false;
00247     return true;
00248 }
00251 bool SamRecord::setMapQuality(uint8_t mapQuality)
00252 {
00253     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00254     myRecordPtr->myMapQuality = mapQuality;
00255     return true;
00256 }
00259 bool SamRecord::setCigar(const char* cigar)
00260 {
00261     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00262     myCigar = cigar;
00264     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00265     myIsCigarBufferValid = false;
00266     myCigarTempBufferLength = -1;
00267     myIsBinValid = false;
00269     // Initialize the calculated alignment info to the uncalculated value.
00270     myAlignmentLength = -1;
00271     myUnclippedStartOffset = -1;
00272     myUnclippedEndOffset = -1;
00274     return true;
00275 }
00278 bool SamRecord::setCigar(const Cigar& cigar)
00279 {
00280     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00281     cigar.getCigarString(myCigar);
00283     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00284     myIsCigarBufferValid = false;
00285     myCigarTempBufferLength = -1;
00286     myIsBinValid = false;
00288     // Initialize the calculated alignment info to the uncalculated value.
00289     myAlignmentLength = -1;
00290     myUnclippedStartOffset = -1;
00291     myUnclippedEndOffset = -1;
00293     return true;
00294 }
00297 bool SamRecord::setMateReferenceName(SamFileHeader& header,
00298                                      const char* mateReferenceName) 
00299 {
00300     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00301     // Set the mate reference, if it is "=", set it to be equal
00302     // to myReferenceName.  This assumes that myReferenceName has already
00303     // been called.
00304     if(strcmp(mateReferenceName, FIELD_ABSENT_STRING) == 0)
00305     {
00306         myMateReferenceName = myReferenceName;
00307     }
00308     else
00309     {
00310         myMateReferenceName = mateReferenceName;
00311     }
00313     // Set the Mate Reference ID.
00314     // If the reference ID does not already exist, add it (pass true)
00315     myRecordPtr->myMateReferenceID = 
00316         header.getReferenceID(myMateReferenceName, true);
00318     return true;
00319 }
00322 bool SamRecord::set1BasedMatePosition(int32_t matePosition)
00323 {
00324     return(set0BasedMatePosition(matePosition - 1));
00325 }
00328 bool SamRecord::set0BasedMatePosition(int32_t matePosition)
00329 {
00330     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00331     myRecordPtr->myMatePosition = matePosition;
00332     return true;
00333 }
00336 bool SamRecord::setInsertSize(int32_t insertSize)
00337 {
00338     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00339     myRecordPtr->myInsertSize = insertSize;
00340     return true;
00341 }
00344 bool SamRecord::setSequence(const char* seq) 
00345 {
00346     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00347     mySequence = seq;
00348     mySeqWithEq.clear();
00349     mySeqWithoutEq.clear();
00351     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00352     myIsSequenceBufferValid = false;
00353     return true;
00354 }
00357 bool SamRecord::setQuality(const char* quality) 
00358 {
00359     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00360     myQuality = quality;
00361     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00362     myIsQualityBufferValid = false;
00363     return true;
00364 }
00367 //Shift indels to the left
00368 bool SamRecord::shiftIndelsLeft()
00369 {
00370     // Check to see whether or not the Cigar has already been
00371     // set - this is determined by checking if alignment length
00372     // is set since alignment length and the cigar are set
00373     // at the same time.
00374     if(myAlignmentLength == -1)
00375     {
00376         // Not been set, so calculate it.
00377         parseCigar();
00378     }
00380     // Track whether or not there was a shift.
00381     bool shifted = false;
00383     // Cigar is set, so now myCigarRoller can be used.
00384     // Track where in the read we are.
00385     uint32_t currentPos = 0;
00387     // Since the loop starts at 1 because the first operation can't be shifted,
00388     // increment the currentPos past the first operation.
00389     if(Cigar::foundInQuery(myCigarRoller[0]))
00390     {
00391         // This op was found in the read, increment the current position.
00392         currentPos += myCigarRoller[0].count;
00393     }
00395     int numOps = myCigarRoller.size();
00397     // Loop through the cigar operations from the 2nd operation since
00398     // the first operation is already on the end and can't shift.
00399     for(int currentOp = 1; currentOp < numOps; currentOp++)
00400     {
00401         if(myCigarRoller[currentOp].operation == Cigar::insert)
00402         {
00403             // For now, only shift a max of 1 operation.
00404             int prevOpIndex = currentOp-1;
00405             // Track the next op for seeing if it is the same as the
00406             // previous for merging reasons.
00407             int nextOpIndex = currentOp+1;
00408             if(nextOpIndex == numOps)
00409             {
00410                 // There is no next op, so set it equal to the current one.
00411                 nextOpIndex = currentOp;
00412             }
00413             // The start of the previous operation, so we know when we hit it
00414             // so we don't shift past it.
00415             uint32_t prevOpStart = 
00416                 currentPos - myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex].count;
00418             // We can only shift if the previous operation
00419             if(!Cigar::isMatchOrMismatch(myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex]))
00420             {
00421                 // TODO - shift past pads
00422                 // An insert is in the read, so increment the position.
00423                 currentPos += myCigarRoller[currentOp].count;                 
00424                 // Not a match/mismatch, so can't shift into it.
00425                 continue;
00426             }
00428             // It is a match or mismatch, so check to see if we can
00429             // shift into it.
00431             // The end of the insert is calculated by adding the size
00432             // of this insert minus 1 to the start of the insert.
00433             uint32_t insertEndPos = 
00434                 currentPos + myCigarRoller[currentOp].count - 1;
00436             // The insert starts at the current position.
00437             uint32_t insertStartPos = currentPos;
00439             // Loop as long as the position before the insert start
00440             // matches the last character in the insert. If they match,
00441             // the insert can be shifted one index left because the
00442             // implied reference will not change.  If they do not match,
00443             // we can't shift because the implied reference would change.
00444             // Stop loop when insertStartPos = prevOpStart, because we 
00445             // don't want to move past that.
00446             while((insertStartPos > prevOpStart) && 
00447                   (getSequence(insertEndPos,BASES) == 
00448                    getSequence(insertStartPos - 1, BASES)))
00449             {
00450                 // We can shift, so move the insert start & end one left.
00451                 --insertEndPos;
00452                 --insertStartPos;
00453             }
00455             // Determine if a shift has occurred.
00456             int shiftLen = currentPos - insertStartPos;
00457             if(shiftLen > 0)
00458             {
00459                 // Shift occured, so adjust the cigar if the cigar will
00460                 // not become more operations.
00461                 // If the next operation is the same as the previous or
00462                 // if the insert and the previous operation switch positions
00463                 // then the cigar has the same number of operations.
00464                 // If the next operation is different, and the shift splits
00465                 // the previous operation in 2, then the cigar would
00466                 // become longer, so we do not want to shift.
00467                 if(myCigarRoller[nextOpIndex].operation == 
00468                    myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex].operation)
00469                 {
00470                     // The operations are the same, so merge them by adding
00471                     // the length of the shift to the next operation.
00472                     myCigarRoller.IncrementCount(nextOpIndex, shiftLen);
00473                     myCigarRoller.IncrementCount(prevOpIndex, -shiftLen);
00475                     // If the previous op length is 0, just remove that
00476                     // operation.
00477                     if(myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex].count == 0)
00478                     {
00479                         myCigarRoller.Remove(prevOpIndex);
00480                     }
00481                     shifted = true;
00482                 } 
00483                 else
00484                 {
00485                     // Can only shift if the insert shifts past the
00486                     // entire previous operation, otherwise an operation
00487                     // would need to be added.
00488                     if(insertStartPos == prevOpStart)
00489                     { 
00490                         // Swap the positions of the insert and the
00491                         // previous operation.
00492                         myCigarRoller.Update(currentOp,
00493                                              myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex].operation,
00494                                              myCigarRoller[prevOpIndex].count);
00495                         // Size of the previous op is the entire
00496                         // shift length.
00497                         myCigarRoller.Update(prevOpIndex, 
00498                                              Cigar::insert,
00499                                              shiftLen);
00500                         shifted = true;
00501                     }
00502                 }
00503             }
00504             // An insert is in the read, so increment the position.
00505             currentPos += myCigarRoller[currentOp].count;                 
00506         }
00507         else if(Cigar::foundInQuery(myCigarRoller[currentOp]))
00508         {
00509             // This op was found in the read, increment the current position.
00510             currentPos += myCigarRoller[currentOp].count;
00511         }
00512     }
00513     if(shifted)
00514     {
00515         // TODO - setCigar is currently inefficient because later the cigar
00516         // roller will be recalculated, but for now it will work.
00517         setCigar(myCigarRoller);
00518     }
00519     return(shifted);
00520 }
00523 // Set the BAM record from the passeed in buffer of the specified size.
00524 // Note: The size includes the block size.
00525 SamStatus::Status SamRecord::setBuffer(const char* fromBuffer,
00526                                        uint32_t fromBufferSize,
00527                                        SamFileHeader& header)
00528 {
00529     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00530     if((fromBuffer == NULL) || (fromBufferSize == 0))
00531     {
00532         // Buffer is empty.
00533         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
00534                            "Cannot parse an empty file.");
00535         return(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE);
00536     }
00538     // Clear the record.   
00539     resetRecord();
00541     // allocate space for the record size.
00542     if(!allocateRecordStructure(fromBufferSize))
00543     {
00544         // Failed to allocate space.
00545         return(SamStatus::FAIL_MEM);
00546     }
00548     memcpy(myRecordPtr, fromBuffer, fromBufferSize);
00550     setVariablesForNewBuffer(header);
00552     // Return the status of the record.
00553     return(SamStatus::SUCCESS);
00554 }
00557 // Read the BAM record from a file.
00558 SamStatus::Status SamRecord::setBufferFromFile(IFILE filePtr, 
00559                                                SamFileHeader& header)
00560 {
00561     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00562     if((filePtr == NULL) || (filePtr->isOpen() == false))
00563     {
00564         // File is not open, return failure.
00565         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_ORDER, 
00566                            "Can't read from an unopened file.");
00567         return(SamStatus::FAIL_ORDER);
00568     }
00570     // Clear the record.
00571     resetRecord();
00573     // read the record size.
00574     int numBytes = 
00575         ifread(filePtr, &(myRecordPtr->myBlockSize), sizeof(int32_t));
00577     // Check to see if the end of the file was hit and no bytes were read.
00578     if(ifeof(filePtr) && (numBytes == 0))
00579     {
00580         // End of file, nothing was read, no more records.
00581         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::NO_MORE_RECS,
00582                            "No more records left to read.");
00583         return(SamStatus::NO_MORE_RECS);
00584     }
00586     if(numBytes != sizeof(int32_t))
00587     {
00588         // Failed to read the entire block size.  Either the end of the file
00589         // was reached early or there was an error.
00590         if(ifeof(filePtr))
00591         {
00592             // Error: end of the file reached prior to reading the rest of the
00593             // record.
00594             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, 
00595                                "EOF reached in the middle of a record.");
00596             return(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE);
00597         }
00598         else
00599         {
00600             // Error reading.
00601             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_IO, 
00602                                "Failed to read the record size.");
00603             return(SamStatus::FAIL_IO);
00604         }
00605     }
00607     // allocate space for the record size.
00608     if(!allocateRecordStructure(myRecordPtr->myBlockSize + sizeof(int32_t)))
00609     {
00610         // Failed to allocate space.
00611         // Status is set by allocateRecordStructure.
00612         return(SamStatus::FAIL_MEM);
00613     }
00615     // Read the rest of the alignment block, starting at the reference id.
00616     if(ifread(filePtr, &(myRecordPtr->myReferenceID), myRecordPtr->myBlockSize)
00617        != (unsigned int)myRecordPtr->myBlockSize)
00618     {
00619         // Error reading the record.  Reset it and return failure.
00620         resetRecord();
00621         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_IO,
00622                            "Failed to read the record");
00623         return(SamStatus::FAIL_IO);
00624     }
00626     setVariablesForNewBuffer(header);
00628     // Return the status of the record.
00629     return(SamStatus::SUCCESS);
00630 }
00633 // Add the specified tag to the record.
00634 // Returns true if the tag was successfully added, false otherwise.
00635 bool SamRecord::addIntTag(const char* tag, int32_t value)
00636 {
00637     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00638     int key = 0;
00639     int index = 0;
00640     char bamvtype;
00642     int tagBufferSize = 0;
00644     // First check to see if the tags need to be synced to the buffer.
00645     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
00646     {
00647         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
00648         {
00649             // Failed to read tags from the buffer, so cannot add new ones.
00650             return(false);
00651         }
00652     }
00654     // Ints come in as int.  But it can be represented in fewer bits.
00655     // So determine a more specific type that is in line with the
00656     // types for BAM files.
00657     // First check to see if it is a negative.
00658     if(value < 0)
00659     {
00660         // The int is negative, so it will need to use a signed type.
00661         // See if it is greater than the min value for a char.
00662         if(value > ((std::numeric_limits<char>::min)()))
00663         {
00664             // It can be stored in a signed char.
00665             bamvtype = 'c';
00666             tagBufferSize += 4;
00667         }
00668         else if(value > ((std::numeric_limits<short>::min)()))
00669         {
00670             // It fits in a signed short.
00671             bamvtype = 's';
00672             tagBufferSize += 5;
00673         }
00674         else
00675         {
00676             // Just store it as a signed int.
00677             bamvtype = 'i';
00678             tagBufferSize += 7;
00679         }
00680     }
00681     else
00682     {
00683         // It is positive, so an unsigned type can be used.
00684         if(value < ((std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max)()))
00685         {
00686             // It is under the max of an unsigned char.
00687             bamvtype = 'C';
00688             tagBufferSize += 4;
00689         }
00690         else if(value < ((std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max)()))
00691         {
00692             // It is under the max of an unsigned short.
00693             bamvtype = 'S';
00694             tagBufferSize += 5;
00695         }
00696         else
00697         {
00698             // Just store it as an unsigned int.
00699             bamvtype = 'I';
00700             tagBufferSize += 7;
00701         }
00702     }
00704     // Check to see if the tag is already there.
00705     key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], bamvtype);
00706     unsigned int hashIndex = extras.Find(key);
00707     if(hashIndex != LH_NOTFOUND)
00708     {
00709         // Tag was already found.
00710         index = extras[hashIndex];
00712         // Since the tagBufferSize was already updated with the new value,
00713         // subtract the size for the previous tag (even if they are the same).
00714         switch(intType[index])
00715         {
00716             case 'c':
00717             case 'C':
00718             case 'A':
00719                 tagBufferSize -= 4;
00720                 break;
00721             case 's':
00722             case 'S':
00723                 tagBufferSize -= 5;
00724                 break;
00725             case 'i':
00726             case 'I':
00727                 tagBufferSize -= 7;
00728                 break;
00729             default:
00730                 myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
00731                                    "unknown tag inttype type found.\n");
00732                 return(false);              
00733         }
00735         // Tag already existed, print message about overwriting.
00736         // WARN about dropping duplicate tags.
00737         if(myNumWarns++ < myMaxWarns)
00738         {
00739             String newVal;
00740             String origVal;
00741             appendIntArrayValue(index, origVal);
00742             appendIntArrayValue(bamvtype, value, newVal);
00743             fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Duplicate Tags, overwritting %c%c:%c:%s with %c%c:%c:%s\n",
00744                     tag[0], tag[1], intType[index], origVal.c_str(), tag[0], tag[1], bamvtype, newVal.c_str());
00745             if(myNumWarns == myMaxWarns)
00746             {
00747                 fprintf(stderr, "Suppressing rest of Duplicate Tag warnings.\n");
00748             }
00749         }
00751         // Update the integer value and type.
00752         integers[index] = value;
00753         intType[index] = bamvtype;
00754     }
00755     else
00756     {
00757         // Tag is not already there, so add it.
00758         index = integers.Length();
00760         integers.Push(value);
00761         intType.push_back(bamvtype);
00763         extras.Add(key, index);
00764     }
00766     // The buffer tags are now out of sync.
00767     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = true;
00768     myIsTagsBufferValid = false;
00769     myIsBufferSynced = false;
00770     myTagBufferSize += tagBufferSize;
00772     return(true);
00773 }
00776 // Add the specified tag to the record, replacing it if it is already there and
00777 // is different from the previous value.
00778 // Returns true if the tag was successfully added (or was already there), false otherwise.
00779 bool SamRecord::addTag(const char* tag, char vtype, const char* valuePtr)
00780 {
00781     if(vtype == 'i')
00782     {
00783         // integer type.  Call addIntTag to handle it.
00784         int intVal = atoi(valuePtr);
00785         return(addIntTag(tag, intVal));
00786     }
00788     // Non-int type.
00789     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00790     bool status = true; // default to successful.
00791     int key = 0;
00792     int index = 0;
00794     int tagBufferSize = 0;
00796     // First check to see if the tags need to be synced to the buffer.
00797     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
00798     {
00799         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
00800         {
00801             // Failed to read tags from the buffer, so cannot add new ones.
00802             return(false);
00803         }
00804     }
00806     // First check to see if the tag is already there.
00807     key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], vtype);
00808     unsigned int hashIndex = extras.Find(key);
00809     if(hashIndex != LH_NOTFOUND)
00810     {
00811         // The key was found in the hash, so get the lookup index.
00812         index = extras[hashIndex];
00814         String origTag;
00815         char origType = vtype;
00817         // Adjust the currently pointed to value to the new setting.
00818         switch (vtype)
00819         {
00820             case 'A' :
00821                 // First check to see if the value changed.
00822                 if((integers[index] == (const int)*(valuePtr)) &&
00823                    (intType[index] == vtype))
00824                 {
00825                     // The value & type has not changed, so do nothing.
00826                     return(true);
00827                 }
00828                 else
00829                 {
00830                     // Tag buffer size changes if type changes, so subtract & add.
00831                     origType = intType[index];
00832                     appendIntArrayValue(index, origTag);
00833                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[index]);
00834                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(vtype);
00835                     integers[index] = (const int)*(valuePtr);
00836                     intType[index] = vtype;
00837                 }
00838                 break;
00839             case 'Z' :
00840                 // First check to see if the value changed.
00841                 if(strings[index] == valuePtr)
00842                 {
00843                     // The value has not changed, so do nothing.
00844                     return(true);
00845                 }
00846                 else
00847                 {
00848                     // Adjust the tagBufferSize by removing the size of the old string.
00849                     origTag = strings[index];
00850                     tagBufferSize -= strings[index].Length();
00851                     strings[index] = valuePtr;
00852                     // Adjust the tagBufferSize by adding the size of the new string.
00853                     tagBufferSize += strings[index].Length();
00854                 }
00855                 break;
00856             case 'B' :
00857                 // First check to see if the value changed.
00858                 if(strings[index] == valuePtr)
00859                 {
00860                     // The value has not changed, so do nothing.
00861                     return(true);
00862                 }
00863                 else
00864                 {
00865                     // Adjust the tagBufferSize by removing the size of the old field.
00866                     origTag = strings[index];
00867                     tagBufferSize -= getBtagBufferSize(strings[index]);
00868                     strings[index] = valuePtr;
00869                     // Adjust the tagBufferSize by adding the size of the new field.
00870                     tagBufferSize += getBtagBufferSize(strings[index]);
00871                 }
00872                 break;
00873             case 'f' :
00874                 // First check to see if the value changed.
00875                 if(floats[index] == (float)atof(valuePtr))
00876                 {
00877                     // The value has not changed, so do nothing.
00878                     return(true);
00879                 }
00880                 else
00881                 {
00882                     // Tag buffer size doesn't change between different 'f' entries.
00883                     origTag.appendFullFloat(floats[index]);
00884                     floats[index] = (float)atof(valuePtr);
00885                 }
00886                 break;
00887             default :
00888                 fprintf(stderr,
00889                         "samRecord::addTag() - Unknown custom field of type %c\n",
00890                         vtype);
00891                 myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, 
00892                                    "Unknown custom field in a tag");
00893                 status = false;
00894                 break;
00895         }
00897         // Duplicate tag in this record.
00898         // Tag already existed, print message about overwriting.
00899         // WARN about dropping duplicate tags.
00900         if(myNumWarns++ < myMaxWarns)
00901         {
00902             fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Duplicate Tags, overwritting %c%c:%c:%s with %c%c:%c:%s\n",
00903                     tag[0], tag[1], origType, origTag.c_str(), tag[0], tag[1], vtype, valuePtr);
00904             if(myNumWarns == myMaxWarns)
00905             {
00906                 fprintf(stderr, "Suppressing rest of Duplicate Tag warnings.\n");
00907             }
00908         }
00909     }
00910     else
00911     {
00912         // The key was not found in the hash, so add it.
00913         switch (vtype)
00914         {
00915             case 'A' :
00916                 index = integers.Length();
00917                 integers.Push((const int)*(valuePtr));
00918                 intType.push_back(vtype);
00919                 tagBufferSize += 4;
00920                 break;
00921             case 'Z' :
00922                 index = strings.Length();
00923                 strings.Push(valuePtr);
00924                 tagBufferSize += 4 + strings.Last().Length();
00925                 break;
00926             case 'B' :
00927                 index = strings.Length();
00928                 strings.Push(valuePtr);
00929                 tagBufferSize += 3 + getBtagBufferSize(strings[index]);
00930                 break;
00931             case 'f' :
00932                 index = floats.size();
00933                 floats.push_back((float)atof(valuePtr));
00934                 tagBufferSize += 7;
00935                 break;
00936             default :
00937                 fprintf(stderr,
00938                         "samRecord::addTag() - Unknown custom field of type %c\n",
00939                         vtype);
00940                 myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, 
00941                                    "Unknown custom field in a tag");
00942                 status = false;
00943                 break;
00944         }
00945         if(status)
00946         {
00947             // If successful, add the key to extras.
00948             extras.Add(key, index);
00949         }
00950     }
00952     // Only add the tag if it has so far been successfully processed.
00953     if(status)
00954     {
00955         // The buffer tags are now out of sync.
00956         myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = true;
00957         myIsTagsBufferValid = false;
00958         myIsBufferSynced = false;
00959         myTagBufferSize += tagBufferSize;
00960     }
00961     return(status);
00962 }
00965 void SamRecord::clearTags()
00966 {
00967     if(extras.Entries() != 0)
00968     {
00969         extras.Clear();
00970     }
00971     strings.Clear();
00972     integers.Clear();
00973     intType.clear();
00974     floats.clear();
00975     myTagBufferSize = 0;
00976     resetTagIter();
00977 }
00980 bool SamRecord::rmTag(const char* tag, char type)
00981 {
00982     // Check the length of tag.
00983     if(strlen(tag) != 2)
00984     {
00985         // Tag is the wrong length.
00986         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
00987                            "rmTag called with tag that is not 2 characters\n");
00988         return(false);
00989     }
00991     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
00992     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
00993     {
00994         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
00995         {
00996             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
00997             // get tags.
00998             return(false);
00999         }
01000     }
01002     // Construct the key.
01003     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], type);
01004     // Look to see if the key exsists in the hash.
01005     int offset = extras.Find(key);
01007     if(offset < 0)
01008     {
01009         // Not found, so return true, successfully removed since
01010         // it is not in tag.
01011         return(true);
01012     }
01014     // Offset is set, so the key was found.
01015     // First if it is an integer, determine the actual type of the int.
01016     char vtype;
01017     getTypeFromKey(key, vtype);
01018     if(vtype == 'i')
01019     {
01020         vtype = getIntegerType(offset);
01021     }
01023     // Offset is set, so recalculate the buffer size without this entry.
01024     // Do NOT remove from strings, integers, or floats because then
01025     // extras would need to be updated for all entries with the new indexes
01026     // into those variables.
01027     int rmBuffSize = 0;
01028     switch(vtype)
01029     {
01030         case 'A':
01031         case 'c':
01032         case 'C':
01033             rmBuffSize = 4;
01034             break;
01035         case 's':
01036         case 'S':
01037             rmBuffSize = 5;
01038             break;
01039         case 'i':
01040         case 'I':
01041             rmBuffSize = 7;
01042             break;
01043         case 'f':
01044             rmBuffSize = 7;
01045             break;
01046         case 'Z':
01047             rmBuffSize = 4 + getString(offset).Length();
01048             break;
01049         case 'B':
01050             rmBuffSize = 3 + getBtagBufferSize(getString(offset));
01051             break;
01052         default:
01053             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
01054                                "rmTag called with unknown type.\n");
01055             return(false);
01056             break;
01057     };
01059     // The buffer tags are now out of sync.
01060     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = true;
01061     myIsTagsBufferValid = false;
01062     myIsBufferSynced = false;
01063     myTagBufferSize -= rmBuffSize;
01065     // Remove from the hash.
01066     extras.Delete(offset);
01067     return(true);
01068 }
01071 bool SamRecord::rmTags(const char* tags)
01072 {
01073     const char* currentTagPtr = tags;
01075     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01076     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
01077     {
01078         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
01079         {
01080             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
01081             // get tags.
01082             return(false);
01083         }
01084     }
01086     bool returnStatus = true;
01088     int rmBuffSize = 0;
01089     while(*currentTagPtr != '\0')
01090     {
01092         // Tags are formatted as: XY:Z
01093         // Where X is [A-Za-z], Y is [A-Za-z], and
01094         // Z is A,i,f,Z,H (cCsSI are also excepted)
01095         if((currentTagPtr[0] == '\0') || (currentTagPtr[1] == '\0') ||
01096            (currentTagPtr[2] != ':') || (currentTagPtr[3] == '\0'))
01097         {
01098             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
01099                                "rmTags called with improperly formatted tags.\n");
01100             returnStatus = false;
01101             break;
01102         }
01104         // Construct the key.
01105         int key = MAKEKEY(currentTagPtr[0], currentTagPtr[1], 
01106                           currentTagPtr[3]);
01107         // Look to see if the key exsists in the hash.
01108         int offset = extras.Find(key);
01110         if(offset >= 0)
01111         {
01112             // Offset is set, so the key was found.
01113             // First if it is an integer, determine the actual type of the int.
01114             char vtype;
01115             getTypeFromKey(key, vtype);
01116             if(vtype == 'i')
01117             {
01118                 vtype = getIntegerType(offset);
01119             }
01121             // Offset is set, so recalculate the buffer size without this entry.
01122             // Do NOT remove from strings, integers, or floats because then
01123             // extras would need to be updated for all entries with the new indexes
01124             // into those variables.
01125             switch(vtype)
01126             {
01127                 case 'A':
01128                 case 'c':
01129                 case 'C':
01130                     rmBuffSize += 4;
01131                     break;
01132                 case 's':
01133                 case 'S':
01134                     rmBuffSize += 5;
01135                     break;
01136                 case 'i':
01137                 case 'I':
01138                     rmBuffSize += 7;
01139                     break;
01140                 case 'f':
01141                     rmBuffSize += 7;
01142                     break;
01143                 case 'Z':
01144                     rmBuffSize += 4 + getString(offset).Length();
01145                     break;
01146                 case 'B':
01147                     rmBuffSize += 3 + getBtagBufferSize(getString(offset));
01148                     break;
01149                 default:
01150                     myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
01151                                        "rmTag called with unknown type.\n");
01152                     returnStatus = false;
01153                     break;
01154             };
01156             // Remove from the hash.
01157             extras.Delete(offset);
01158         }
01159         // Increment to the next tag.
01160         if((currentTagPtr[4] == ';') || (currentTagPtr[4] == ','))
01161         {
01162             // Increment once more.
01163             currentTagPtr += 5;
01164         }
01165         else if(currentTagPtr[4] != '\0')
01166         {
01167             // Invalid tag format. 
01168             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
01169                                "rmTags called with improperly formatted tags.\n");
01170             returnStatus = false;
01171             break;
01172         }
01173         else
01174         {
01175             // Last Tag.
01176             currentTagPtr += 4;
01177         }
01178     }
01180     // The buffer tags are now out of sync.
01181     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = true;
01182     myIsTagsBufferValid = false;
01183     myIsBufferSynced = false;
01184     myTagBufferSize -= rmBuffSize;
01187     return(returnStatus);
01188 }
01191 // Get methods for record fields.
01192 const void* SamRecord::getRecordBuffer()
01193 {
01194     return(getRecordBuffer(mySequenceTranslation));
01195 }
01198 // Get methods for record fields.
01199 const void* SamRecord::getRecordBuffer(SequenceTranslation translation) 
01200 {
01201     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01202     bool status = true;
01203     // If the buffer is not synced or the sequence in the buffer is not
01204     // properly translated, fix the buffer.
01205     if((myIsBufferSynced == false) ||
01206        (myBufferSequenceTranslation != translation))
01207     {
01208         status &= fixBuffer(translation);
01209     }
01210     // If the buffer is synced, check to see if the tags need to be synced.
01211     if(myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer)
01212     {
01213         status &= setTagsInBuffer();
01214     }
01215     if(!status)
01216     {
01217         return(NULL);
01218     }
01219     return (const void *)myRecordPtr;
01220 }
01223 // Write the record as a buffer into the file using the class's 
01224 // sequence translation setting.
01225 SamStatus::Status SamRecord::writeRecordBuffer(IFILE filePtr)
01226 {
01227     return(writeRecordBuffer(filePtr, mySequenceTranslation));
01228 }
01231 // Write the record as a buffer into the file using the specified translation.
01232 SamStatus::Status SamRecord::writeRecordBuffer(IFILE filePtr, 
01233                                                SequenceTranslation translation)
01234 {
01235     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01236     if((filePtr == NULL) || (filePtr->isOpen() == false))
01237     {
01238         // File is not open, return failure.
01239         myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_ORDER,
01240                            "Can't write to an unopened file.");
01241         return(SamStatus::FAIL_ORDER);
01242     }
01244     if((myIsBufferSynced == false) ||
01245        (myBufferSequenceTranslation != translation))
01246     {
01247         if(!fixBuffer(translation))
01248         {
01249             return(myStatus.getStatus());
01250         }
01251     }
01253     // Write the record.
01254     unsigned int numBytesToWrite = myRecordPtr->myBlockSize + sizeof(int32_t);
01255     unsigned int numBytesWritten = 
01256         ifwrite(filePtr, myRecordPtr, numBytesToWrite);
01258     // Return status based on if the correct number of bytes were written.
01259     if(numBytesToWrite == numBytesWritten)
01260     {
01261         return(SamStatus::SUCCESS);
01262     }
01263     // The correct number of bytes were not written.
01264     myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_IO, "Failed to write the entire record.");
01265     return(SamStatus::FAIL_IO);
01266 }
01269 int32_t SamRecord::getBlockSize() 
01270 {
01271     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01272     // If the buffer isn't synced, sync the buffer to determine the
01273     // block size.
01274     if(myIsBufferSynced == false)
01275     {
01276         // Since this just returns the block size, the translation of
01277         // the sequence does not matter, so just use the currently set
01278         // value.
01279         fixBuffer(myBufferSequenceTranslation);
01280     }
01281     return myRecordPtr->myBlockSize;
01282 }
01285 // This method returns the reference name.
01286 const char* SamRecord::getReferenceName()
01287 {
01288     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01289     return myReferenceName.c_str();
01290 }
01293 int32_t SamRecord::getReferenceID()
01294 {
01295     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01296     return myRecordPtr->myReferenceID;
01297 }
01300 int32_t SamRecord::get1BasedPosition()
01301 {
01302     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01303     return (myRecordPtr->myPosition + 1);
01304 }
01307 int32_t SamRecord::get0BasedPosition()
01308 {
01309     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01310     return myRecordPtr->myPosition;
01311 }
01314 uint8_t SamRecord::getReadNameLength() 
01315 {
01316     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01317     // If the buffer is valid, return the size from there, otherwise get the 
01318     // size from the string length + 1 (ending null).
01319     if(myIsReadNameBufferValid)
01320     {
01321         return(myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength);
01322     }
01324     return(myReadName.Length() + 1);
01325 }
01328 uint8_t SamRecord::getMapQuality()
01329 {
01330     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01331     return myRecordPtr->myMapQuality;
01332 }
01335 uint16_t SamRecord::getBin()
01336 {
01337     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01338     if(!myIsBinValid)
01339     {
01340         // The bin that is set in the record is not valid, so
01341         // reset it.
01342         myRecordPtr->myBin = 
01343             bam_reg2bin(myRecordPtr->myPosition, get1BasedAlignmentEnd());      
01344         myIsBinValid = true;
01345     }
01346     return(myRecordPtr->myBin);
01347 }
01350 uint16_t SamRecord::getCigarLength()
01351 {
01352     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01353     // If the cigar buffer is valid
01354     // then get the length from there.
01355     if(myIsCigarBufferValid)
01356     {
01357         return myRecordPtr->myCigarLength;      
01358     }
01360     if(myCigarTempBufferLength == -1)
01361     {
01362         // The cigar buffer is not valid and the cigar temp buffer is not set,
01363         // so parse the string.
01364         parseCigarString();
01365     }
01367     // The temp buffer is now set, so return the size.
01368     return(myCigarTempBufferLength);
01369 }
01372 uint16_t SamRecord::getFlag()
01373 {
01374     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01375     return myRecordPtr->myFlag;
01376 }
01379 int32_t SamRecord::getReadLength() 
01380 {
01381     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01382     if(myIsSequenceBufferValid == false)
01383     {
01384         // If the sequence is "*", then return 0.
01385         if((mySequence.Length() == 1) && (mySequence[0] == '*'))
01386         {
01387             return(0);
01388         }
01389         // Do not add 1 since it is not null terminated.
01390         return(mySequence.Length());
01391     }
01392     return(myRecordPtr->myReadLength);
01393 }
01396 // This method returns the mate reference name.  If it is equal to the
01397 // reference name, it still returns the reference name.
01398 const char* SamRecord::getMateReferenceName()
01399 {
01400     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01401     return myMateReferenceName.c_str();
01402 }
01405 // This method returns the mate reference name.  If it is equal to the
01406 // reference name, it returns "=", unless they are both "*" in which case
01407 // "*" is returned.
01408 const char* SamRecord::getMateReferenceNameOrEqual()
01409 {
01410     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01411     if(myMateReferenceName == "*")
01412     {
01413         return(myMateReferenceName);
01414     }
01415     if(myMateReferenceName == getReferenceName())
01416     {
01417         return(FIELD_ABSENT_STRING);
01418     }
01419     else
01420     {
01421         return(myMateReferenceName);
01422     }
01423 }
01426 int32_t SamRecord::getMateReferenceID()
01427 {
01428     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01429     return myRecordPtr->myMateReferenceID;
01430 }
01433 int32_t SamRecord::get1BasedMatePosition()
01434 {
01435     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01436     return (myRecordPtr->myMatePosition + 1);
01437 }
01440 int32_t SamRecord::get0BasedMatePosition()
01441 {
01442     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01443     return myRecordPtr->myMatePosition;
01444 }
01447 int32_t SamRecord::getInsertSize()
01448 {
01449     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01450     return myRecordPtr->myInsertSize;
01451 }
01454 // Returns the inclusive rightmost position of the clipped sequence.
01455 int32_t SamRecord::get0BasedAlignmentEnd()
01456 {
01457     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01458     if(myAlignmentLength == -1)
01459     {
01460         // Alignment end has not been set, so calculate it.
01461         parseCigar();
01462     }
01463     // If alignment length > 0, subtract 1 from it to get the end.
01464     if(myAlignmentLength == 0)
01465     {
01466         // Length is 0, just return the start position.
01467         return(myRecordPtr->myPosition);
01468     }
01469     return(myRecordPtr->myPosition + myAlignmentLength - 1);
01470 }
01473 // Returns the inclusive rightmost position of the clipped sequence.
01474 int32_t SamRecord::get1BasedAlignmentEnd()
01475 {
01476     return(get0BasedAlignmentEnd() + 1);
01477 }
01480 // Return the length of the alignment.
01481 int32_t SamRecord::getAlignmentLength()
01482 {
01483     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01484     if(myAlignmentLength == -1)
01485     {
01486         // Alignment end has not been set, so calculate it.
01487         parseCigar();
01488     }
01489     // Return the alignment length.
01490     return(myAlignmentLength);
01491 }
01493 // Returns the inclusive left-most position adjust for clipped bases.
01494 int32_t SamRecord::get0BasedUnclippedStart()
01495 {
01496     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01497     if(myUnclippedStartOffset == -1)
01498     {
01499         // Unclipped has not yet been calculated, so parse the cigar to get it
01500         parseCigar();
01501     }
01502     return(myRecordPtr->myPosition - myUnclippedStartOffset);
01503 }
01506 // Returns the inclusive left-most position adjust for clipped bases.
01507 int32_t SamRecord::get1BasedUnclippedStart()
01508 {
01509     return(get0BasedUnclippedStart() + 1);
01510 }
01513 // Returns the inclusive right-most position adjust for clipped bases.
01514 int32_t SamRecord::get0BasedUnclippedEnd()
01515 {
01516     // myUnclippedEndOffset will be set by get0BasedAlignmentEnd if the 
01517     // cigar has not yet been parsed, so no need to check it here.
01518     return(get0BasedAlignmentEnd() + myUnclippedEndOffset);
01519 }
01522 // Returns the inclusive right-most position adjust for clipped bases.
01523 int32_t SamRecord::get1BasedUnclippedEnd()
01524 {
01525     return(get0BasedUnclippedEnd() + 1);
01526 }
01529 // Get the read name.
01530 const char* SamRecord::getReadName()
01531 {
01532     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01533     if(myReadName.Length() == 0)
01534     {
01535         // 0 Length, means that it is in the buffer, but has not yet
01536         // been synced to the string, so do the sync.
01537         myReadName = (char*)&(myRecordPtr->myData);
01538     }
01539     return myReadName.c_str();
01540 }
01543 const char* SamRecord::getCigar()
01544 {
01545     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01546     if(myCigar.Length() == 0)
01547     {
01548         // 0 Length, means that it is in the buffer, but has not yet
01549         // been synced to the string, so do the sync.
01550         parseCigarBinary();
01551     }
01552     return myCigar.c_str();
01553 }
01556 const char* SamRecord::getSequence()
01557 {
01558     return(getSequence(mySequenceTranslation));
01559 }
01562 const char* SamRecord::getSequence(SequenceTranslation translation)
01563 {
01564     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01565     if(mySequence.Length() == 0)
01566     {
01567         // 0 Length, means that it is in the buffer, but has not yet
01568         // been synced to the string, so do the sync.
01569         setSequenceAndQualityFromBuffer();
01570     }
01572     // Determine if translation needs to be done.
01573     if((translation == NONE) || (myRefPtr == NULL))
01574     {
01575         return mySequence.c_str();
01576     }
01577     else if(translation == EQUAL)
01578     {
01579         if(mySeqWithEq.length() == 0)
01580         {
01581             // Check to see if the sequence is defined.
01582             if(mySequence == "*")
01583             {
01584                 // Sequence is undefined, so no translation necessary.
01585                 mySeqWithEq = '*';
01586             }
01587             else
01588             {
01589                 // Sequence defined, so translate it.
01590                 SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithEquals(mySequence.c_str(), 
01591                                                   myRecordPtr->myPosition,
01592                                                   *(getCigarInfo()),
01593                                                   getReferenceName(),
01594                                                   *myRefPtr,
01595                                                   mySeqWithEq);
01596             }
01597         }
01598         return(mySeqWithEq.c_str());
01599     }
01600     else
01601     {
01602         // translation == BASES
01603         if(mySeqWithoutEq.length() == 0)
01604         {
01605             if(mySequence == "*")
01606             {
01607                 // Sequence is undefined, so no translation necessary.
01608                 mySeqWithoutEq = '*';
01609             }
01610             else
01611             {
01612                 // Sequence defined, so translate it.
01613                 SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithoutEquals(mySequence.c_str(), 
01614                                                      myRecordPtr->myPosition,
01615                                                      *(getCigarInfo()),
01616                                                      getReferenceName(),
01617                                                      *myRefPtr,
01618                                                      mySeqWithoutEq);
01619             }
01620         }
01621         return(mySeqWithoutEq.c_str());
01622     }
01623 }
01626 const char* SamRecord::getQuality() 
01627 {
01628     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01629     if(myQuality.Length() == 0)
01630     {
01631         // 0 Length, means that it is in the buffer, but has not yet
01632         // been synced to the string, so do the sync.
01633         setSequenceAndQualityFromBuffer();      
01634     }
01635     return myQuality.c_str();
01636 }
01639 char SamRecord::getSequence(int index)
01640 {
01641     return(getSequence(index, mySequenceTranslation));
01642 }
01645 char SamRecord::getSequence(int index, SequenceTranslation translation)
01646 {
01647     static const char * asciiBases = "=AC.G...T......N";
01649     // Determine the read length.
01650     int32_t readLen = getReadLength();
01652     // If the read length is 0, this method should not be called.
01653     if(readLen == 0)
01654     {
01655         String exceptionString = "SamRecord::getSequence(";
01656         exceptionString += index;
01657         exceptionString += ") is not allowed since sequence = '*'";
01658         throw std::runtime_error(exceptionString.c_str());
01659     }
01660     else if((index < 0) || (index >= readLen))
01661     {
01662         // Only get here if the index was out of range, so thow an exception.
01663         String exceptionString = "SamRecord::getSequence(";
01664         exceptionString += index;
01665         exceptionString += ") is out of range. Index must be between 0 and ";
01666         exceptionString += (readLen - 1);
01667         throw std::runtime_error(exceptionString.c_str());
01668     }
01670     // Determine if translation needs to be done.
01671     if((translation == NONE) || (myRefPtr == NULL))
01672     {
01673         // No translation needs to be done.
01674         if(mySequence.Length() == 0)
01675         {
01676             // Parse BAM sequence.
01677             if(myIsSequenceBufferValid)
01678             {
01679                 return(index & 1 ?
01680                        asciiBases[myPackedSequence[index / 2] & 0xF] :
01681                        asciiBases[myPackedSequence[index / 2] >> 4]);
01682             }
01683             else
01684             {
01685                 String exceptionString = "SamRecord::getSequence(";
01686                 exceptionString += index;
01687                 exceptionString += ") called with no sequence set";
01688                 throw std::runtime_error(exceptionString.c_str());
01689             }
01690         }
01691         // Already have string.
01692         return(mySequence[index]);
01693     }
01694     else
01695     {
01696         // Need to translate the sequence either to have '=' or to not
01697         // have it.
01698         // First check to see if the sequence has been set.
01699         if(mySequence.Length() == 0)
01700         {
01701             // 0 Length, means that it is in the buffer, but has not yet
01702             // been synced to the string, so do the sync.
01703             setSequenceAndQualityFromBuffer();
01704         }
01706         // Check the type of translation.
01707         if(translation == EQUAL)
01708         {
01709             // Check whether or not the string has already been 
01710             // retrieved that has the '=' in it.
01711             if(mySeqWithEq.length() == 0)
01712             {
01713                 // The string with '=' has not yet been determined,
01714                 // so get the string.
01715                 // Check to see if the sequence is defined.
01716                 if(mySequence == "*")
01717                 {
01718                     // Sequence is undefined, so no translation necessary.
01719                     mySeqWithEq = '*';
01720                 }
01721                 else
01722                 {
01723                     // Sequence defined, so translate it.
01724                     SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithEquals(mySequence.c_str(), 
01725                                                       myRecordPtr->myPosition, 
01726                                                       *(getCigarInfo()),
01727                                                       getReferenceName(),
01728                                                       *myRefPtr,
01729                                                       mySeqWithEq);
01730                 }
01731             }
01732             // Sequence is set, so return it.
01733             return(mySeqWithEq[index]);
01734         }
01735         else
01736         {
01737             // translation == BASES
01738             // Check whether or not the string has already been 
01739             // retrieved that does not have the '=' in it.
01740             if(mySeqWithoutEq.length() == 0)
01741             {
01742                 // The string with '=' has not yet been determined,
01743                 // so get the string.
01744                 // Check to see if the sequence is defined.
01745                 if(mySequence == "*")
01746                 {
01747                     // Sequence is undefined, so no translation necessary.
01748                     mySeqWithoutEq = '*';
01749                 }
01750                 else
01751                 {
01752                     // Sequence defined, so translate it.
01753                     // The string without '=' has not yet been determined,
01754                     // so get the string.
01755                     SamQuerySeqWithRef::seqWithoutEquals(mySequence.c_str(), 
01756                                                          myRecordPtr->myPosition, 
01757                                                          *(getCigarInfo()),
01758                                                          getReferenceName(),
01759                                                          *myRefPtr,
01760                                                          mySeqWithoutEq);
01761                 }
01762             }
01763             // Sequence is set, so return it.
01764             return(mySeqWithoutEq[index]);
01765         }
01766     }
01767 }
01770 char SamRecord::getQuality(int index)
01771 {
01772     // Determine the read length.
01773     int32_t readLen = getReadLength();
01775     // If the read length is 0, return ' ' whose ascii code is below
01776     // the minimum ascii code for qualities.
01777     if(readLen == 0)
01778     {
01779         return(BaseUtilities::UNKNOWN_QUALITY_CHAR);
01780     }
01781     else if((index < 0) || (index >= readLen))
01782     {
01783         // Only get here if the index was out of range, so thow an exception.
01784         String exceptionString = "SamRecord::getQuality(";
01785         exceptionString += index;
01786         exceptionString += ") is out of range. Index must be between 0 and ";
01787         exceptionString += (readLen - 1);
01788         throw std::runtime_error(exceptionString.c_str());
01789     }
01791     if(myQuality.Length() == 0) 
01792     {
01793         // Parse BAM Quality.
01794         // Know that myPackedQuality is correct since readLen != 0.
01795         return(myPackedQuality[index] + 33);
01796     }
01797     else
01798     {
01799         // Already have string.
01800         if((myQuality.Length() == 1) && (myQuality[0] == '*'))
01801         {
01802             // Return the unknown quality character.
01803             return(BaseUtilities::UNKNOWN_QUALITY_CHAR);
01804         }
01805         else if(index >= myQuality.Length())
01806         {
01807             // Only get here if the index was out of range, so thow an exception.
01808             // Technically the myQuality string is not guaranteed to be the same length
01809             // as the sequence, so this catches that error.
01810             String exceptionString = "SamRecord::getQuality(";
01811             exceptionString += index;
01812             exceptionString += ") is out of range. Index must be between 0 and ";
01813             exceptionString += (myQuality.Length() - 1);
01814             throw std::runtime_error(exceptionString.c_str());
01815         }
01816         else
01817         {
01818             return(myQuality[index]);
01819         }
01820     }
01821 }
01824 Cigar* SamRecord::getCigarInfo()
01825 {
01826     // Check to see whether or not the Cigar has already been
01827     // set - this is determined by checking if alignment length
01828     // is set since alignment length and the cigar are set
01829     // at the same time.
01830     if(myAlignmentLength == -1)
01831     {
01832         // Not been set, so calculate it.
01833         parseCigar();
01834     }
01835     return(&myCigarRoller);
01836 }
01839 // Return the number of bases in this read that overlap the passed in
01840 // region.  (start & end are 0-based)
01841 uint32_t SamRecord::getNumOverlaps(int32_t start, int32_t end)
01842 {
01843     // Determine whether or not the cigar has been parsed, which sets up
01844     // the cigar roller.  This is determined by checking the alignment length.
01845     if(myAlignmentLength == -1)
01846     {
01847         parseCigar();
01848     }
01849     return(myCigarRoller.getNumOverlaps(start, end, get0BasedPosition()));
01850 }
01853 // Returns the values of all fields except the tags.
01854 bool SamRecord::getFields(bamRecordStruct& recStruct, String& readName, 
01855                           String& cigar, String& sequence, String& quality)
01856 {
01857     return(getFields(recStruct, readName, cigar, sequence, quality,
01858                      mySequenceTranslation));
01859 }
01862 // Returns the values of all fields except the tags.
01863 bool SamRecord::getFields(bamRecordStruct& recStruct, String& readName, 
01864                           String& cigar, String& sequence, String& quality,
01865                           SequenceTranslation translation)
01866 {
01867     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01868     if(myIsBufferSynced == false)
01869     {
01870         if(!fixBuffer(translation))
01871         {
01872             // failed to set the buffer, return false.
01873             return(false);
01874         }
01875     }
01876     memcpy(&recStruct, myRecordPtr, sizeof(bamRecordStruct));
01878     readName = getReadName();
01879     // Check the status.
01880     if(myStatus != SamStatus::SUCCESS)
01881     {
01882         // Failed to set the fields, return false.
01883         return(false);
01884     }
01885     cigar = getCigar();
01886     // Check the status.
01887     if(myStatus != SamStatus::SUCCESS)
01888     {
01889         // Failed to set the fields, return false.
01890         return(false);
01891     }
01892     sequence = getSequence(translation);
01893     // Check the status.
01894     if(myStatus != SamStatus::SUCCESS)
01895     {
01896         // Failed to set the fields, return false.
01897         return(false);
01898     }
01899     quality = getQuality();
01900     // Check the status.
01901     if(myStatus != SamStatus::SUCCESS)
01902     {
01903         // Failed to set the fields, return false.
01904         return(false);
01905     }
01906     return(true);
01907 }
01910 // Returns the reference pointer.
01911 GenomeSequence* SamRecord::getReference()
01912 {
01913     return(myRefPtr);
01914 }
01917 uint32_t SamRecord::getTagLength()
01918 {
01919     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01920     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
01921     {
01922         // Tags are only set in the buffer, so the size of the tags is 
01923         // the length of the record minus the starting location of the tags.
01924         unsigned char * tagStart = 
01925             (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData 
01926             + myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength 
01927             + myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int)
01928             + (myRecordPtr->myReadLength + 1) / 2 + myRecordPtr->myReadLength;
01930         // The non-tags take up from the start of the record to the tag start.
01931         // Do not include the block size part of the record since it is not
01932         // included in the size.
01933         uint32_t nonTagSize = 
01934             tagStart - (unsigned char*)&(myRecordPtr->myReferenceID);
01935         // Tags take up the size of the block minus the non-tag section.
01936         uint32_t tagSize = myRecordPtr->myBlockSize - nonTagSize;
01937         return(tagSize);
01938     }
01940     // Tags are stored outside the buffer, so myTagBufferSize is set.
01941     return(myTagBufferSize);
01942 }
01945 // Returns true if there is another tag and sets tag and vtype to the
01946 // appropriate values, and returns a pointer to the value.
01947 // Sets the Status to SUCCESS when a tag is successfully returned or
01948 // when there are no more tags.  Otherwise the status is set to describe
01949 // why it failed (parsing, etc).
01950 bool SamRecord::getNextSamTag(char* tag, char& vtype, void** value)
01951 {
01952     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
01953     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
01954     {
01955         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
01956         {
01957             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
01958             // get tags.
01959             return(false);
01960         }
01961     }
01963     // Increment the tag index to start looking at the next tag.
01964     // At the beginning, it is set to -1.
01965     myLastTagIndex++;
01966     int maxTagIndex = extras.Capacity();
01967     if(myLastTagIndex >= maxTagIndex)
01968     {
01969         // Hit the end of the tags, return false, no more tags.
01970         // Status is still success since this is not an error, 
01971         // it is just the end of the list.
01972         return(false);
01973     }
01975     bool tagFound = false;
01976     // Loop until a tag is found or the end of extras is hit.
01977     while((tagFound == false) && (myLastTagIndex < maxTagIndex))
01978     {
01979         if(extras.SlotInUse(myLastTagIndex))
01980         {
01981             // Found a slot to use.
01982             int key = extras.GetKey(myLastTagIndex);
01983             getTag(key, tag);
01984             getTypeFromKey(key, vtype);
01985             tagFound = true;
01986             // Get the value associated with the key based on the vtype.
01987             switch (vtype)
01988             {
01989                 case 'f' :
01990                     *value = getFloatPtr(myLastTagIndex);
01991                     break;
01992                 case 'i' :
01993                     *value = getIntegerPtr(myLastTagIndex, vtype);
01994                     if(vtype != 'A')
01995                     {
01996                         // Convert all int types to 'i'
01997                         vtype = 'i';
01998                     }
01999                     break;
02000                 case 'Z' :
02001                 case 'B' :
02002                     *value = getStringPtr(myLastTagIndex);
02003                     break;
02004                 default:
02005                     myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
02006                                        "Unknown tag type");
02007                     tagFound = false;
02008                     break;
02009             }
02010         }
02011         if(!tagFound)
02012         {
02013             // Increment the index since a tag was not found.
02014             myLastTagIndex++;
02015         }
02016     }
02017     return(tagFound);
02018 }
02021 // Reset the tag iterator to the beginning of the tags.
02022 void SamRecord::resetTagIter()
02023 {
02024     myLastTagIndex = -1;
02025 }
02028 bool SamRecord::isIntegerType(char vtype)
02029 {
02030     if((vtype == 'c') || (vtype == 'C') ||
02031        (vtype == 's') || (vtype == 'S') ||
02032        (vtype == 'i') || (vtype == 'I'))
02033     {
02034         return(true);
02035     }
02036     return(false);
02037 }
02040 bool SamRecord::isFloatType(char vtype)
02041 {
02042     if(vtype == 'f')
02043     {
02044         return(true);
02045     }
02046     return(false);
02047 }
02050 bool SamRecord::isCharType(char vtype)
02051 {
02052     if(vtype == 'A')
02053     {
02054         return(true);
02055     }
02056     return(false);
02057 }
02060 bool SamRecord::isStringType(char vtype)
02061 {
02062     if((vtype == 'Z') || (vtype == 'B'))
02063     {
02064         return(true);
02065     }
02066     return(false);
02067 }
02070 bool SamRecord::getTagsString(const char* tags, String& returnString, char delim)
02071 {
02072     const char* currentTagPtr = tags;
02074     returnString.Clear();
02075     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02076     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02077     {
02078         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02079         {
02080             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02081             // get tags.
02082             return(false);
02083         }
02084     }
02086     bool returnStatus = true;
02088     while(*currentTagPtr != '\0')
02089     {
02090         // Tags are formatted as: XY:Z
02091         // Where X is [A-Za-z], Y is [A-Za-z], and
02092         // Z is A,i,f,Z,H (cCsSI are also excepted)
02093         if((currentTagPtr[0] == '\0') || (currentTagPtr[1] == '\0') ||
02094            (currentTagPtr[2] != ':') || (currentTagPtr[3] == '\0'))
02095         {
02096             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
02097                                "getTagsString called with improperly formatted tags.\n");
02098             returnStatus = false;
02099             break;
02100         }
02102         // Construct the key.
02103         int key = MAKEKEY(currentTagPtr[0], currentTagPtr[1], 
02104                           currentTagPtr[3]);
02105         // Look to see if the key exsists in the hash.
02106         int offset = extras.Find(key);
02108         if(offset >= 0)
02109         {
02110             // Offset is set, so the key was found.
02111             if(!returnString.IsEmpty())
02112             {
02113                 returnString += delim;
02114             }
02115             returnString += currentTagPtr[0];
02116             returnString += currentTagPtr[1];
02117             returnString += ':';
02118             returnString += currentTagPtr[3];
02119             returnString += ':';
02121             // First if it is an integer, determine the actual type of the int.
02122             char vtype;
02123             getTypeFromKey(key, vtype);
02125             switch(vtype)
02126             {
02127                 case 'i':
02128                     returnString += *(int*)getIntegerPtr(offset, vtype);
02129                     break;
02130                 case 'f':
02131                     returnString += *(float*)getFloatPtr(offset);
02132                     break;
02133                 case 'Z':
02134                 case 'B':
02135                     returnString += *(String*)getStringPtr(offset);
02136                     break;
02137                 default:
02138                     myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
02139                                        "rmTag called with unknown type.\n");
02140                     returnStatus = false;
02141                     break;
02142             };
02143         }
02144         // Increment to the next tag.
02145         if((currentTagPtr[4] == ';') || (currentTagPtr[4] == ','))
02146         {
02147             // Increment once more.
02148             currentTagPtr += 5;
02149         }
02150         else if(currentTagPtr[4] != '\0')
02151         {
02152             // Invalid tag format. 
02153             myStatus.setStatus(SamStatus::INVALID, 
02154                                "rmTags called with improperly formatted tags.\n");
02155             returnStatus = false;
02156             break;
02157         }
02158         else
02159         {
02160             // Last Tag.
02161             currentTagPtr += 4;
02162         }
02163     }
02164     return(returnStatus);
02165 }
02168 const String* SamRecord::getStringTag(const char * tag)
02169 {
02170     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02171     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02172     {
02173         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02174         {
02175             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02176             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the errors,
02177             // so just return null.
02178             return(NULL);
02179         }
02180     }
02182     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'Z');
02183     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02185     int value;
02186     if (offset < 0)
02187     {
02188         // Check for 'B' tag.
02189         key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'B');
02190         offset = extras.Find(key);
02191         if(offset < 0)
02192         {
02193             // Tag not found.
02194             return(NULL);
02195         }
02196     }
02198     // Offset is valid, so return the tag.
02199     value = extras[offset];
02200     return(&(strings[value]));
02201 }
02204 int* SamRecord::getIntegerTag(const char * tag)
02205 {
02206     // Init to success.
02207     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02208     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02209     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02210     {
02211         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02212         {
02213             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02214             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the errors,
02215             // so just return NULL.
02216             return(NULL);
02217         }
02218     }
02220     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'i');
02221     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02223     int value;
02224     if (offset < 0)
02225     {
02226         // Failed to find the tag.
02227         return(NULL);
02228     }
02229     else
02230         value = extras[offset];
02232     return(&(integers[value]));
02233 }
02236 bool SamRecord::getIntegerTag(const char * tag, int& tagVal)
02237 {
02238     // Init to success.
02239     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02240     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02241     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02242     {
02243         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02244         {
02245             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02246             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the errors,
02247             // so just return false.
02248             return(false);
02249         }
02250     }
02252     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'i');
02253     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02255     int value;
02256     if (offset < 0)
02257     {
02258         // Failed to find the tag.
02259         return(false);
02260     }
02261     else
02262         value = extras[offset];
02264     tagVal = integers[value];
02265     return(true);
02266 }
02269 bool SamRecord::getFloatTag(const char * tag, float& tagVal)
02270 {
02271     // Init to success.
02272     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02273     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02274     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02275     {
02276         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02277         {
02278             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02279             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the errors,
02280             // so just return false.
02281             return(false);
02282         }
02283     }
02285     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'f');
02286     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02288     int value;
02289     if (offset < 0)
02290     {
02291         // Failed to find the tag.
02292         return(false);
02293     }
02294     else
02295         value = extras[offset];
02297     tagVal = floats[value];
02298     return(true);
02299 }
02302 const String & SamRecord::getString(const char * tag)
02303 {
02304     // Init to success.
02305     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02306     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02307     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02308     {
02309         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02310         {
02311             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02312             // get tags.
02313             // TODO - what do we want to do on failure?            
02314         }
02315     }
02317     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'Z');
02318     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02320     int value;
02321     if (offset < 0)
02322     {
02324         key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'B');
02325         offset = extras.Find(key);
02326         if (offset < 0)
02327         {
02328             // TODO - what do we want to do on failure?
02329             return(NOT_FOUND_TAG_STRING);
02330         }
02331     }
02332     value = extras[offset];
02334     return strings[value];
02335 }
02338 int & SamRecord::getInteger(const char * tag)
02339 {
02340     // Init to success.
02341     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02342     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02343     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02344     {
02345         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02346         {
02347             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02348             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the error.
02349             // TODO - what do we want to do on failure?
02350         }
02351     }
02353     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], 'i');
02354     int offset = extras.Find(key);
02356     int value;
02357     if (offset < 0)
02358     {
02359         // TODO - what do we want to do on failure?
02360         return NOT_FOUND_TAG_INT;
02361     }
02362     else
02363         value = extras[offset];
02365     return integers[value];
02366 }
02369 bool SamRecord::checkTag(const char * tag, char type)
02370 {
02371     // Init to success.
02372     myStatus = SamStatus::SUCCESS;
02373     // Parse the buffer if necessary.
02374     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer)
02375     {
02376         if(!setTagsFromBuffer())
02377         {
02378             // Failed to read the tags from the buffer, so cannot
02379             // get tags.  setTagsFromBuffer set the error.
02380             return("");
02381         }
02382     }
02384     int key = MAKEKEY(tag[0], tag[1], type);
02386     return (extras.Find(key) != LH_NOTFOUND);
02387 }
02390 // Return the error after a failed SamRecord call.
02391 const SamStatus& SamRecord::getStatus()
02392 {
02393     return(myStatus);
02394 }
02397 // Allocate space for the record - does a realloc.  
02398 // The passed in size is the size of the entire record including the
02399 // block size field.
02400 bool SamRecord::allocateRecordStructure(int size)
02401 {
02402     if (allocatedSize < size)
02403     {
02404         bamRecordStruct* tmpRecordPtr = 
02405             (bamRecordStruct *)realloc(myRecordPtr, size);
02406         if(tmpRecordPtr == NULL)
02407         {
02408             // FAILED to allocate memory
02409             fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO ALLOCATE MEMORY!!!");
02410             myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_MEM, "Failed Memory Allocation.");
02411             return(false);
02412         }
02413         // Successfully allocated memory, so set myRecordPtr.
02414         myRecordPtr = tmpRecordPtr;
02416         // Reset the pointers into the record.
02417         if(myIsSequenceBufferValid)
02418         {
02419             myPackedSequence = (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + 
02420                 myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength +
02421                 myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int);
02422         }
02423         if(myIsQualityBufferValid)
02424         {
02425             myPackedQuality = (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + 
02426                 myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength +
02427                 myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int) + 
02428                 (myRecordPtr->myReadLength + 1) / 2;
02429         }
02431         allocatedSize = size;
02432     }
02433     return(true);
02434 }
02437 // Index is the index into the strings array.
02438 void* SamRecord::getStringPtr(int index)
02439 {
02440     int value = extras[index];
02442     return &(strings[value]);
02443 }
02445 void* SamRecord::getIntegerPtr(int offset, char& type)
02446 {
02447     int value = extras[offset];
02449     type = intType[value];
02451     return &(integers[value]);
02452 }
02454 void* SamRecord::getFloatPtr(int offset)
02455 {
02456     int value = extras[offset];
02458     return &(floats[value]);
02459 }
02462 // Fixes the buffer to match the variable length fields if they are set.
02463 bool SamRecord::fixBuffer(SequenceTranslation translation)
02464 {
02465     // Check to see if the buffer is already synced.
02466     if(myIsBufferSynced &&
02467        (myBufferSequenceTranslation == translation))
02468     {
02469         // Already synced, nothing to do.
02470         return(true);
02471     }
02473     // Set the bin if necessary.
02474     if(!myIsBinValid)
02475     {
02476         // The bin that is set in the record is not valid, so
02477         // reset it.
02478         myRecordPtr->myBin = 
02479             bam_reg2bin(myRecordPtr->myPosition, get1BasedAlignmentEnd());      
02480         myIsBinValid = true;
02481     }
02483     // Not synced.
02484     bool status = true;
02486     // First determine the size the buffer needs to be.
02487     uint8_t newReadNameLen = getReadNameLength();
02488     uint16_t newCigarLen = getCigarLength();
02489     int32_t newReadLen = getReadLength();
02490     uint32_t newTagLen = getTagLength();
02491     uint32_t bamSequenceLen = (newReadLen+1)/2;
02493     // The buffer size extends from the start of the record to data
02494     // plus the length of the variable fields,
02495     // Multiply the cigar length by 4 since it is the number of uint32_t fields.
02496     int newBufferSize = 
02497         ((unsigned char*)(&(myRecordPtr->myData)) - 
02498          (unsigned char*)myRecordPtr) +
02499         newReadNameLen + ((newCigarLen)*4) +
02500         newReadLen + bamSequenceLen + newTagLen;
02502     if(!allocateRecordStructure(newBufferSize))
02503     {
02504         // Failed to allocate space.
02505         return(false);
02506     }
02508     // Now that space has been added to the buffer, check to see what if
02509     // any fields need to be extracted from the buffer prior to starting to
02510     // overwrite it.  Fields need to be extracted from the buffer if the 
02511     // buffer is valid for the field and a previous variable length field has
02512     // changed length.
02513     bool readNameLenChange = (newReadNameLen != myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength);
02514     bool cigarLenChange = (newCigarLen != myRecordPtr->myCigarLength);
02515     bool readLenChange = (newReadLen != myRecordPtr->myReadLength);
02517     // If the tags are still stored in the buffer and any other fields changed
02518     // lengths, they need to be extracted.
02519     if(myIsTagsBufferValid &&
02520        (readNameLenChange | cigarLenChange | readLenChange))
02521     {
02522         status &= setTagsFromBuffer();
02523         // The tag buffer will not be valid once the other fields
02524         // are written, so set it to not valid.
02525         myIsTagsBufferValid = false;
02526     }
02528     // If the sequence or quality strings are still stored in the buffer, and
02529     // any of the previous fields have changed length, extract it from the
02530     // current buffer.
02531     if((myIsQualityBufferValid | myIsSequenceBufferValid) && 
02532        (readNameLenChange | cigarLenChange | readLenChange))
02533     {
02534         setSequenceAndQualityFromBuffer();
02535         // The quality and sequence buffers will not be valid once the other
02536         // fields are written, so set them to not valid.
02537         myIsQualityBufferValid = false;
02538         myIsSequenceBufferValid = false;
02539     }
02541     // If the cigar is still stored in the buffer, and any of the
02542     // previous fields have changed length, extract it from the current buffer.
02543     if((myIsCigarBufferValid) && 
02544        (readNameLenChange))
02545     {
02546         status &= parseCigarBinary();
02547         myIsCigarBufferValid = false;
02548     }
02550     // Set each value in the buffer if it is not already valid.
02551     if(!myIsReadNameBufferValid)
02552     {
02553         memcpy(&(myRecordPtr->myData), myReadName.c_str(), 
02554                newReadNameLen);
02556         // Set the new ReadNameLength.
02557         myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength = newReadNameLen;
02558         myIsReadNameBufferValid = true;
02559     }
02561     unsigned char * readNameEnds = (unsigned char*)(&(myRecordPtr->myData)) +
02562         myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength;
02564     // Set the Cigar.  Need to reformat from the string to 
02565     unsigned int * packedCigar = (unsigned int *) (void *) readNameEnds;
02567     if(!myIsCigarBufferValid)
02568     {
02569         // The cigar was already parsed when it was set, so just copy
02570         // data from the temporary buffer.
02571         myRecordPtr->myCigarLength = newCigarLen;
02572         memcpy(packedCigar, myCigarTempBuffer, 
02573                myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(uint32_t));
02575         myIsCigarBufferValid = true;
02576     }
02578     unsigned char * packedSequence = readNameEnds + 
02579         myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int);
02580     unsigned char * packedQuality = packedSequence + bamSequenceLen;
02582     if(!myIsSequenceBufferValid || !myIsQualityBufferValid || 
02583        (myBufferSequenceTranslation != translation))
02584     {
02585         myRecordPtr->myReadLength = newReadLen;
02586         // Determine if the quality needs to be set and is just a * and needs to
02587         // be set to 0xFF.
02588         bool noQuality = false;
02589         if((myQuality.Length() == 1) && (myQuality[0] == '*'))
02590         {
02591             noQuality = true;
02592         }
02594         const char* translatedSeq = NULL;
02595         // If the sequence is not valid in the buffer or it is not
02596         // properly translated, get the properly translated sequence
02597         // that needs to be put into the buffer.
02598         if((!myIsSequenceBufferValid) ||
02599            (translation != myBufferSequenceTranslation))
02600         {
02601             translatedSeq = getSequence(translation);
02602         }
02604         for (int i = 0; i < myRecordPtr->myReadLength; i++) 
02605         {
02606             if((!myIsSequenceBufferValid) ||
02607                (translation != myBufferSequenceTranslation))
02608             {
02609                 // Sequence buffer is not valid, so set the sequence.
02610                 int seqVal = 0;
02611                 switch(translatedSeq[i])
02612                 {
02613                     case '=':
02614                         seqVal = 0;
02615                         break;
02616                     case 'A':
02617                     case 'a':
02618                         seqVal = 1;
02619                         break;
02620                     case 'C':
02621                     case 'c':
02622                         seqVal = 2;
02623                         break;
02624                     case 'G':
02625                     case 'g':
02626                         seqVal = 4;
02627                         break;
02628                     case 'T':
02629                     case 't':
02630                         seqVal = 8;
02631                         break;
02632                     case 'N':
02633                     case 'n':
02634                     case '.':
02635                         seqVal = 15;
02636                         break;
02637                     default:
02638                         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
02639                                           "Unknown Sequence character found.");
02640                         status = false;
02641                         break;
02642                 };
02644                 if(i & 1)
02645                 {
02646                     // Odd number i's go in the lower 4 bits, so OR in the
02647                     // lower bits
02648                     packedSequence[i/2] |= seqVal;
02649                 }
02650                 else
02651                 {
02652                     // Even i's go in the upper 4 bits and are always set first.
02653                     packedSequence[i/2] = seqVal << 4;
02654                 }
02655             }
02657             if(!myIsQualityBufferValid)
02658             {
02659                 // Set the quality.
02660                 if((noQuality) || (myQuality.Length() <= i))
02661                 {
02662                     // No quality or the quality is smaller than the sequence,
02663                     // so set it to 0xFF
02664                     packedQuality[i] = 0xFF;
02665                 }
02666                 else
02667                 {
02668                     // Copy the quality string.
02669                     packedQuality[i] = myQuality[i] - 33;
02670                 }
02671             }
02672         }
02673         myPackedSequence = (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + 
02674             myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength + 
02675             myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int);
02676         myPackedQuality = myPackedSequence + 
02677             (myRecordPtr->myReadLength + 1) / 2;
02678         myIsSequenceBufferValid = true;
02679         myIsQualityBufferValid = true;
02680         myBufferSequenceTranslation = translation;
02681     }
02683     if(!myIsTagsBufferValid)
02684     {
02685         status &= setTagsInBuffer();
02686     }
02688     // Set the lengths in the buffer.
02689     myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength = newReadNameLen;
02690     myRecordPtr->myCigarLength = newCigarLen;
02691     myRecordPtr->myReadLength = newReadLen;
02693     // Set the buffer block size to the size of the buffer minus the
02694     // first field.
02695     myRecordPtr->myBlockSize = newBufferSize - sizeof(int32_t);
02697     if(status)
02698     {
02699         myIsBufferSynced = true;
02700     }
02702     return(status);
02703 }
02706 // Sets the Sequence and Quality strings from the buffer.
02707 // They are done together in one method because they require the same
02708 // loop, so might as well be done at the same time.
02709 void SamRecord::setSequenceAndQualityFromBuffer()
02710 {
02711     // NOTE: If the sequence buffer is not valid, do not set the sequence
02712     // string from the buffer.
02713     // NOTE: If the quality buffer is not valid, do not set the quality string
02714     // from the buffer.
02716     // Extract the sequence if the buffer is valid and the string's length is 0.
02717     bool extractSequence = false;
02718     if(myIsSequenceBufferValid && (mySequence.Length() == 0))
02719     {
02720         extractSequence = true;
02721     }
02723     // Extract the quality if the buffer is valid and the string's length is 0.
02724     bool extractQuality = false;
02725     if(myIsQualityBufferValid && (myQuality.Length() == 0))
02726     {
02727         extractQuality = true;
02728     }
02730     // If neither the quality nor the sequence need to be extracted,
02731     // just return.
02732     if(!extractSequence && !extractQuality)
02733     {
02734         return;
02735     }
02737     // Set the sequence and quality strings..
02738     if(extractSequence)
02739     {
02740         mySequence.SetLength(myRecordPtr->myReadLength);
02741     }
02742     if(extractQuality)
02743     {
02744         myQuality.SetLength(myRecordPtr->myReadLength);
02745     }
02747     const char * asciiBases = "=AC.G...T......N";
02749     // Flag to see if the quality is specified - the quality contains a value
02750     // other than 0xFF.  If all values are 0xFF, then there is no quality.
02751     bool qualitySpecified = false;
02753     for (int i = 0; i < myRecordPtr->myReadLength; i++)
02754     {
02755         if(extractSequence)
02756         {
02757             mySequence[i] = i & 1 ?
02758                 asciiBases[myPackedSequence[i / 2] & 0xF] :
02759                 asciiBases[myPackedSequence[i / 2] >> 4];
02760         }
02762         if(extractQuality)
02763         {
02764             if(myPackedQuality[i] != 0xFF)
02765             {
02766                 // Quality is specified, so mark the flag.
02767                 qualitySpecified = true;
02768             }
02770             myQuality[i] = myPackedQuality[i] + 33;
02771         }
02772     }
02774     // If the read length is 0, then set the sequence and quality to '*'
02775     if(myRecordPtr->myReadLength == 0)
02776     {
02777         if(extractSequence)
02778         {
02779             mySequence = "*";
02780         }
02781         if(extractQuality)
02782         {
02783             myQuality = "*";
02784         }
02785     }
02786     else if(extractQuality && !qualitySpecified)
02787     {
02788         // No quality was specified, so set it to "*"
02789         myQuality = "*";
02790     }
02791 }
02794 // Parse the cigar to calculate the alignment/unclipped end.
02795 bool SamRecord::parseCigar()
02796 {
02797     // Determine if the cigar string or cigar binary needs to be parsed.
02798     if(myCigar.Length() == 0)
02799     {
02800         // The cigar string is not yet set, so parse the binary.
02801         return(parseCigarBinary());
02802     }
02803     return(parseCigarString());
02804 }
02806 // Parse the cigar to calculate the alignment/unclipped end.
02807 bool SamRecord::parseCigarBinary()
02808 {
02809     // Only need to parse if the string is not already set.
02810     // The length of the cigar string is set to zero when the 
02811     // record is read from a file into the buffer.
02812     if(myCigar.Length() != 0)
02813     {
02814         // Already parsed.
02815         return(true);
02816     }
02818     unsigned char * readNameEnds = 
02819         (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength;
02821     unsigned int * packedCigar = (unsigned int *) (void *) readNameEnds;
02823     myCigarRoller.Set(packedCigar, myRecordPtr->myCigarLength);
02825     myCigarRoller.getCigarString(myCigar);
02827     myAlignmentLength = myCigarRoller.getExpectedReferenceBaseCount();
02829     myUnclippedStartOffset = myCigarRoller.getNumBeginClips();
02830     myUnclippedEndOffset = myCigarRoller.getNumEndClips();
02832     // if the cigar length is 0, then set the cigar string to "*"
02833     if(myRecordPtr->myCigarLength == 0)
02834     {
02835         myCigar = "*";
02836         return(true);
02837     }
02839     // Copy the cigar into a temporary buffer.
02840     int newBufferSize = myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(uint32_t);
02841     if(newBufferSize > myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize)
02842     {
02843         uint32_t* tempBufferPtr = 
02844             (uint32_t*)realloc(myCigarTempBuffer, newBufferSize);
02845         if(tempBufferPtr == NULL)
02846         {
02847             // Failed to allocate memory.
02848             // Do not parse, just return.
02849             fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO ALLOCATE MEMORY!!!");
02850             myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_MEM,
02851                               "Failed to Allocate Memory.");
02852             return(false);
02853         }
02854         myCigarTempBuffer = tempBufferPtr;
02855         myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize = newBufferSize;
02856     }
02858     memcpy(myCigarTempBuffer, packedCigar, 
02859            myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(uint32_t));
02861     // Set the length of the temp buffer.
02862     myCigarTempBufferLength = myRecordPtr->myCigarLength;
02864     return(true);
02865 }
02867 // Parse the cigar string to calculate the cigar length and alignment end.
02868 bool SamRecord::parseCigarString()
02869 {
02870     myCigarTempBufferLength = 0;
02871     if(myCigar == "*")
02872     {
02873         // Cigar is empty, so initialize the variables.
02874         myAlignmentLength = 0;
02875         myUnclippedStartOffset = 0;
02876         myUnclippedEndOffset = 0;
02877         myCigarRoller.clear();
02878         return(true);
02879     }
02881     myCigarRoller.Set(myCigar);
02883     myAlignmentLength = myCigarRoller.getExpectedReferenceBaseCount();
02885     myUnclippedStartOffset = myCigarRoller.getNumBeginClips();
02886     myUnclippedEndOffset = myCigarRoller.getNumEndClips();
02888     // Check to see if the Temporary Cigar Buffer is large enough to contain
02889     // this cigar.  If we make it the size of the length of the cigar string,
02890     // it will be more than large enough.
02891     int newBufferSize = myCigar.Length() * sizeof(uint32_t);
02892     if(newBufferSize > myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize)
02893     {
02894         uint32_t* tempBufferPtr = 
02895             (uint32_t*)realloc(myCigarTempBuffer, newBufferSize);
02896         if(tempBufferPtr == NULL)
02897         {
02898             // Failed to allocate memory.
02899             // Do not parse, just return.
02900             fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO ALLOCATE MEMORY!!!");
02901             myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_MEM,
02902                               "Failed to Allocate Memory.");
02903             return(false);
02904         }
02905         myCigarTempBuffer = tempBufferPtr;
02906         myCigarTempBufferAllocatedSize = newBufferSize;
02907     }
02909     // Track if there were any errors.
02910     bool status = true;
02912     // Track the index into the cigar string that is being parsed.
02913     char *cigarOp;
02914     const char* cigarEntryStart = myCigar.c_str();
02915     int opLen = 0;
02916     int op = 0;
02918     unsigned int * packedCigar = myCigarTempBuffer;
02919     // TODO - maybe one day make a cigar list... or maybe make a 
02920     // reference cigar string for ease of lookup....
02921     const char* endCigarString = cigarEntryStart + myCigar.Length();
02922     while(cigarEntryStart < endCigarString)
02923     {
02924         bool validCigarEntry = true;
02925         // Get the opLen from the string.  cigarOp will then point to 
02926         // the operation.
02927         opLen = strtol(cigarEntryStart, &cigarOp, 10);
02928         // Switch on the type of operation.
02929         switch(*cigarOp)
02930         {
02931             case('M'):
02932                 op = 0;
02933                 break;
02934             case('I'):
02935                 // Insert into the reference position, so do not increment the
02936                 // reference end position.
02937                 op = 1;
02938                 break;
02939             case('D'):
02940                 op = 2;
02941                 break;
02942             case('N'):
02943                 op = 3;
02944                 break;
02945             case('S'):
02946                 op = 4;
02947                 break;
02948             case('H'):
02949                 op = 5;
02950                 break;
02951             case('P'):
02952                 op = 6;
02953                 break;
02954             default:
02955                 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR parsing cigar\n");
02956                 validCigarEntry = false;
02957                 status = false;
02958                 myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
02959                                   "Unknown operation found when parsing the Cigar.");
02960                 break;
02961         };
02962         if(validCigarEntry)
02963         {
02964             // Increment the cigar length.
02965             ++myCigarTempBufferLength;
02966             *packedCigar = (opLen << 4) | op;
02967             packedCigar++;
02968         }
02969         // The next Entry starts at one past the cigar op, so set the start.
02970         cigarEntryStart = ++cigarOp;
02971     }
02973     // Check clipLength to adjust the end position.
02974     return(status);
02975 }
02978 bool SamRecord::setTagsFromBuffer()
02979 {
02980     // If the tags do not need to be set from the buffer, return true.
02981     if(myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer == false)
02982     {
02983         // Already been set from the buffer.
02984         return(true);
02985     }
02987     // Mark false, as they are being set now.
02988     myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer = false;
02990     unsigned char * extraPtr = myPackedQuality + myRecordPtr->myReadLength;
02992     // Default to success, will be changed to false on failure.
02993     bool status = true;
02995     // Clear any previously set tags.
02996     clearTags();
02997     while (myRecordPtr->myBlockSize + 4 - 
02998            (extraPtr - (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr) > 0)
02999     {
03000         int key = 0;
03001         int value = 0;
03002         void * content = extraPtr + 3;
03003         int tagBufferSize = 0;
03005         key = MAKEKEY(extraPtr[0], extraPtr[1], extraPtr[2]);
03007         // First check if the tag already exists.
03008         unsigned int location = extras.Find(key);
03009         int origIndex = 0;
03010         String* duplicate = NULL;
03011         String* origTag = NULL;
03012         if(location != LH_NOTFOUND)
03013         {
03014             duplicate = new String;
03015             origTag = new String;
03016             origIndex = extras[location];
03018             *duplicate = (char)(extraPtr[0]);
03019             *duplicate += (char)(extraPtr[1]);
03020             *duplicate += ':';
03022             *origTag = *duplicate;
03023             *duplicate += (char)(extraPtr[2]);
03024             *duplicate += ':';
03025         }
03027         switch (extraPtr[2])
03028         {
03029             case 'A' :
03030                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03031                 {
03032                     *duplicate += (* (char *) content);
03033                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03034                     *origTag += ':';
03035                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03036                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03037                     integers[origIndex] = *(char *)content;
03038                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03039                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03040                 }
03041                 else
03042                 {
03043                     value = integers.Length();
03044                     integers.Push(* (char *) content);
03045                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03046                     tagBufferSize += 4;
03047                 }
03048                 extraPtr += 4;
03049                 break;
03050             case 'c' :
03051                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03052                 {
03053                     *duplicate += (* (char *) content);
03054                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03055                     *origTag += ':';
03056                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03057                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03058                     integers[origIndex] = *(char *)content;
03059                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03060                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03061                 }
03062                 else
03063                 {
03064                     value = integers.Length();
03065                     integers.Push(* (char *) content);
03066                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03067                     tagBufferSize += 4;
03068                 }
03069                 extraPtr += 4;
03070                 break;
03071             case 'C' :
03072                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03073                 {
03074                     *duplicate += (* (unsigned char *) content);
03075                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03076                     *origTag += ':';
03077                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03078                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03079                     integers[origIndex] = *(unsigned char *)content;
03080                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03081                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03082                 }
03083                 else
03084                 {
03085                     value = integers.Length();
03086                     integers.Push(* (unsigned char *) content);
03087                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03088                     tagBufferSize += 4;
03089                 }
03090                 extraPtr += 4;
03091                 break;
03092             case 's' :
03093                if(duplicate != NULL)
03094                 {
03095                     *duplicate += (* (short *) content);
03096                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03097                     *origTag += ':';
03098                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03099                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03100                     integers[origIndex] = *(short *)content;
03101                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03102                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03103                 }
03104                 else
03105                 {
03106                     value = integers.Length();
03107                     integers.Push(* (short *) content);
03108                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03109                     tagBufferSize += 5;
03110                 }
03111                 extraPtr += 5;
03112                 break;
03113             case 'S' :
03114                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03115                 {
03116                     *duplicate += (* (unsigned short *) content);
03117                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03118                     *origTag += ':';
03119                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03120                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03121                     integers[origIndex] = *(unsigned short *)content;
03122                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03123                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03124                 }
03125                 else
03126                 {
03127                     value = integers.Length();
03128                     integers.Push(* (unsigned short *) content);
03129                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03130                     tagBufferSize += 5;
03131                 }
03132                 extraPtr += 5;
03133                 break;
03134             case 'i' :
03135                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03136                 {
03137                     *duplicate += (* (int *) content);
03138                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03139                     *origTag += ':';
03140                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03141                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03142                     integers[origIndex] = *(int *)content;
03143                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03144                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03145                 }
03146                 else
03147                 {
03148                     value = integers.Length();
03149                     integers.Push(* (int *) content);
03150                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03151                     tagBufferSize += 7;
03152                 }
03153                 extraPtr += 7;
03154                 break;
03155             case 'I' :
03156                if(duplicate != NULL)
03157                 {
03158                     *duplicate += (* (unsigned int *) content);
03159                     *origTag += intType[origIndex];
03160                     *origTag += ':';
03161                     appendIntArrayValue(origIndex, *origTag);
03162                     tagBufferSize -= getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03163                     integers[origIndex] = *(unsigned int *)content;
03164                     intType[origIndex] = extraPtr[2];
03165                     tagBufferSize += getNumericTagTypeSize(intType[origIndex]);
03166                 }
03167                 else
03168                 {
03169                     value = integers.Length();
03170                     integers.Push((int) * (unsigned int *) content);
03171                     intType.push_back(extraPtr[2]);
03172                     tagBufferSize += 7;
03173                 }
03174                 extraPtr += 7;
03175                 break;
03176             case 'Z' :
03177                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03178                 {
03179                     *duplicate += ((const char *) content);
03180                     *origTag += 'Z';
03181                     *origTag += ':';
03182                     *origTag += (char*)(strings[origIndex]);
03183                     tagBufferSize -= strings[origIndex].Length();
03184                     strings[origIndex] = (const char *) content;
03185                     extraPtr += 4 + strings[origIndex].Length();
03186                     tagBufferSize += strings[origIndex].Length();
03187                 }
03188                 else
03189                 {
03190                     value = strings.Length();
03191                     strings.Push((const char *) content);
03192                     tagBufferSize += 4 + strings.Last().Length();
03193                     extraPtr += 4 + strings.Last().Length();
03194                 }
03195                 break;
03196             case 'B' :
03197                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03198                 {
03199                     *origTag += 'B';
03200                     *origTag += ':';
03201                     *origTag += (char*)(strings[origIndex]);
03202                     tagBufferSize -= 
03203                         getBtagBufferSize(strings[origIndex]);
03204                     int bufferSize = 
03205                         getStringFromBtagBuffer((unsigned char*)content,
03206                                                 strings[origIndex]);
03207                     *duplicate += (char *)(strings[origIndex]);
03208                     tagBufferSize += bufferSize;
03209                     extraPtr += 3 + bufferSize;
03210                 }
03211                 else
03212                 {
03213                     value = strings.Length();
03214                     String tempBTag;
03215                     int bufferSize = 
03216                         getStringFromBtagBuffer((unsigned char*)content,
03217                                                 tempBTag);
03218                     strings.Push(tempBTag);
03219                     tagBufferSize += 3 + bufferSize;
03220                     extraPtr += 3 + bufferSize;
03221                 }
03222                 break;
03223             case 'f' :
03224                 if(duplicate != NULL)
03225                 {
03226                     duplicate->appendFullFloat(* (float *) content);
03227                     *origTag += 'f';
03228                     *origTag += ':';
03229                     origTag->appendFullFloat(floats[origIndex]);
03230                     floats[origIndex] = *(float *)content;
03231                 }
03232                 else
03233                 {
03234                     value = floats.size();
03235                     floats.push_back(* (float *) content);
03236                     tagBufferSize += 7;
03237                 }
03238                 extraPtr += 7;
03239                 break;
03240             default :
03241                 fprintf(stderr, 
03242                         "parsing BAM - Unknown custom field of type %c%c:%c\n",
03243                         extraPtr[0], extraPtr[1], extraPtr[2]);
03244                 fprintf(stderr, "BAM Tags: \n");
03246                 unsigned char* tagInfo = myPackedQuality + myRecordPtr->myReadLength;
03248                 fprintf(stderr, "\n\n");
03249                 tagInfo = myPackedQuality + myRecordPtr->myReadLength;
03250                 while(myRecordPtr->myBlockSize + 4 - 
03251                       (tagInfo - (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr) > 0)
03252                 {
03253                         fprintf(stderr, "%02x",tagInfo[0]);
03254                         ++tagInfo;
03255                 }
03256                 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
03258                 // Failed on read.
03259                 // Increment extraPtr just by the size of the 3 known fields
03260                 extraPtr += 3;
03261                 myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
03262                                   "Unknown tag type.");
03263                 status = false;
03264         }
03266         if(duplicate != NULL)
03267         {
03268             // Duplicate tag in this record.
03269             // Tag already existed, print message about overwriting.
03270             // WARN about dropping duplicate tags.
03271             if(myNumWarns++ < myMaxWarns)
03272             {
03273                 fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Duplicate Tags, overwritting %s with %s\n",
03274                         origTag->c_str(), duplicate->c_str());
03275                 if(myNumWarns == myMaxWarns)
03276                 {
03277                     fprintf(stderr, "Suppressing rest of Duplicate Tag warnings.\n");
03278                 }
03279             }
03281             continue;
03282         }
03284         // Only add the tag if it has so far been successfully processed.
03285         if(status)
03286         {
03287             // Add the tag.
03288             extras.Add(key, value);
03289             myTagBufferSize += tagBufferSize;
03290         }
03291     }
03292     return(status);
03293 }
03296 bool SamRecord::setTagsInBuffer()
03297 {
03298     // The buffer size extends from the start of the record to data
03299     // plus the length of the variable fields,
03300     // Multiply the cigar length by 4 since it is the number of uint32_t fields.
03301     int bamSequenceLength = (myRecordPtr->myReadLength+1)/2;
03302     int newBufferSize = ((unsigned char*)(&(myRecordPtr->myData)) - 
03303                          (unsigned char*)myRecordPtr) +  
03304         myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength + ((myRecordPtr->myCigarLength)*4) +
03305         myRecordPtr->myReadLength + bamSequenceLength + myTagBufferSize;
03307     // Make sure the buffer is big enough.
03308     if(!allocateRecordStructure(newBufferSize))
03309     {
03310         // Failed to allocate space.
03311         return(false);
03312     }
03314     char * extraPtr = (char*)myPackedQuality + myRecordPtr->myReadLength;
03316     bool status = true;
03318     // Set the tags in the buffer.
03319     if (extras.Entries())
03320     {
03321         for (int i = 0; i < extras.Capacity(); i++)
03322         {
03323             if (extras.SlotInUse(i))
03324             {
03325                 int key = extras.GetKey(i);
03326                 getTag(key, extraPtr);
03327                 extraPtr += 2;
03328                 char vtype;
03329                 getTypeFromKey(key, vtype);
03331                 if(vtype == 'i')
03332                 {
03333                     vtype = getIntegerType(i);
03334                 }
03336                 extraPtr[0] = vtype;
03338                 // increment the pointer to where the value is.
03339                 extraPtr += 1;
03341                 switch (vtype)
03342                 {
03343                     case 'A' :
03344                         *(char*)extraPtr = (char)getInteger(i);
03345                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%d", getInteger(i));
03346                         extraPtr += 1;
03347                         break;
03348                     case 'c' :
03349                         *(int8_t*)extraPtr = (int8_t)getInteger(i);
03350                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03351                         extraPtr += 1;
03352                         break;
03353                     case 'C' :
03354                         *(uint8_t*)extraPtr = (uint8_t)getInteger(i);
03355                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03356                         extraPtr += 1;
03357                         break;
03358                     case 's' :
03359                         *(int16_t*)extraPtr = (int16_t)getInteger(i);
03360                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03361                         extraPtr += 2;
03362                         break;
03363                     case 'S' :
03364                         *(uint16_t*)extraPtr = (uint16_t)getInteger(i);
03365                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03366                         extraPtr += 2;
03367                         break;
03368                     case 'i' :
03369                         *(int32_t*)extraPtr = (int32_t)getInteger(i);
03370                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03371                         extraPtr += 4;
03372                         break;
03373                     case 'I' :
03374                         *(uint32_t*)extraPtr = (uint32_t)getInteger(i);
03375                         // sprintf(extraPtr, "%.4d", getInteger(i));
03376                         extraPtr += 4;
03377                         break;
03378                     case 'Z' :
03379                         sprintf(extraPtr, "%s", getString(i).c_str());
03380                         extraPtr += getString(i).Length() + 1;
03381                         break;
03382                     case 'B' :
03383                         extraPtr += setBtagBuffer(getString(i), extraPtr);
03384                         //--TODO-- Set buffer with correct B tag
03385                         //sprintf(extraPtr, "%s", getString(i).c_str());
03386                         // extraPtr += getBtagBufferSize(getString(i));
03387                         break;
03388                     case 'f' :
03389                         *(float*)extraPtr = getFloat(i);
03390                         extraPtr += 4;
03391                         break;
03392                     default :
03393                         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
03394                                           "Unknown tag type.");
03395                         status = false;
03396                         break;
03397                 }
03398             }
03399         }
03400     }
03402     // Validate that the extra pointer is at the end of the allocated buffer.
03403     // If not then there was a problem.
03404     if(extraPtr != (char*)myRecordPtr + newBufferSize)
03405     {
03406         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR updating the buffer.  Incorrect size.");
03407         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
03408                           "ERROR updating the buffer.  Incorrect size.");
03409         status = false;
03410     }
03413     // The buffer tags are now in sync.
03414     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = false;
03415     myIsTagsBufferValid = true;
03416     return(status);
03417 }
03420 // Reset the variables for a newly set buffer.  The buffer must be set first
03421 // since this looks up the reference ids in the buffer to set the reference
03422 // names.
03423 void SamRecord::setVariablesForNewBuffer(SamFileHeader& header)
03424 {
03425     // Lookup the reference name & mate reference name associated with this
03426     // record.
03427     myReferenceName = 
03428         header.getReferenceLabel(myRecordPtr->myReferenceID);
03429     myMateReferenceName = 
03430         header.getReferenceLabel(myRecordPtr->myMateReferenceID);      
03432     // Clear the SAM Strings that are now not in-sync with the buffer.
03433     myReadName.SetLength(0);
03434     myCigar.SetLength(0);
03435     mySequence.SetLength(0);
03436     mySeqWithEq.clear();
03437     mySeqWithoutEq.clear();
03438     myQuality.SetLength(0);
03439     myNeedToSetTagsFromBuffer = true;
03440     myNeedToSetTagsInBuffer = false;
03442     //Set that the buffer is valid.
03443     myIsBufferSynced = true;
03444     // Set that the variable length buffer fields are valid.
03445     myIsReadNameBufferValid = true;
03446     myIsCigarBufferValid = true;
03447     myPackedSequence = (unsigned char *)myRecordPtr->myData + 
03448         myRecordPtr->myReadNameLength + myRecordPtr->myCigarLength * sizeof(int);
03449     myIsSequenceBufferValid = true;
03450     myBufferSequenceTranslation = NONE;
03451     myPackedQuality = myPackedSequence + 
03452         (myRecordPtr->myReadLength + 1) / 2;
03453     myIsQualityBufferValid = true;
03454     myIsTagsBufferValid = true;
03455     myIsBinValid = true;
03456 }
03459 // Extract the vtype from the key.
03460 void SamRecord::getTypeFromKey(int key, char& type) const
03461 {
03462     // Extract the type from the key.
03463     type = (key >> 16) & 0xFF;
03464 }
03467 // Extract the tag from the key.
03468 void SamRecord::getTag(int key, char* tag) const
03469 {
03470     // Extract the tag from the key.
03471     tag[0] = key & 0xFF;
03472     tag[1] = (key >> 8) & 0xFF;
03473     tag[2] = 0;
03474 }
03477 // Index is the index into the strings array.
03478 String & SamRecord::getString(int index)
03479 {
03480     int value = extras[index];
03482     return strings[value];
03483 }
03485 int & SamRecord::getInteger(int offset)
03486 {
03487     int value = extras[offset];
03489     return integers[value];
03490 }
03492 const char & SamRecord::getIntegerType(int offset) const
03493 {
03494     int value = extras[offset];
03496     return intType[value];
03497 }
03499 float & SamRecord::getFloat(int offset)
03500 {
03501     int value = extras[offset];
03503     return floats[value];
03504  }
03507 void SamRecord::appendIntArrayValue(char type, int value, String& strVal) const
03508 {
03509     switch(type)
03510     {
03511         case 'A':
03512             strVal += (char)value;
03513             break;
03514         case 'c':
03515         case 's':
03516         case 'i':
03517         case 'C':
03518         case 'S':
03519         case 'I':
03520             strVal += value;
03521             break;
03522         default:
03523             // Do nothing.
03524             ;
03525     }
03526 }
03529 int SamRecord::getBtagBufferSize(String& tagStr)
03530 {
03531     if(tagStr.Length() < 1)
03532     {
03533         // ERROR, needs at least the type.
03534         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, 
03535                           "SamRecord::getBtagBufferSize no tag subtype specified");
03536         return(0);
03537     }
03538     char type = tagStr[0];
03539     int elementSize = getNumericTagTypeSize(type);
03540     if(elementSize <= 0)
03541     {
03542         // ERROR, 'B' tag subtype must be numeric, so should be non-zero
03543         String errorMsg = "SamRecord::getBtagBufferSize invalid tag subtype, ";
03544         errorMsg += type;
03545         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, errorMsg.c_str());
03546         return(0);
03547     }
03549     // Separated by ',', so count the number of commas.
03550     int numElements = 0;
03551     int index = tagStr.FastFindChar(',', 0);
03552     while(index > 0)
03553     {
03554         ++numElements;
03555         index = tagStr.FastFindChar(',', index+1);
03556     }
03557     // Add 5 bytes: type & numElements
03558     return(numElements * elementSize + 5);
03559 }
03562 int SamRecord::setBtagBuffer(String& tagStr, char* extraPtr)
03563 {
03564     if(tagStr.Length() < 1)
03565     {
03566         // ERROR, needs at least the type.
03567         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, 
03568                           "SamRecord::getBtagBufferSize no tag subtype specified");
03569         return(0);
03570     }
03571     char type = tagStr[0];
03572     int elementSize = getNumericTagTypeSize(type);
03573     if(elementSize <= 0)
03574     {
03575         // ERROR, 'B' tag subtype must be numeric, so should be non-zero
03576         String errorMsg = "SamRecord::getBtagBufferSize invalid tag subtype, ";
03577         errorMsg += type;
03578         myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE, errorMsg.c_str());
03579         return(0);
03580     }
03582     int totalInc = 0;
03583     // Write the type.
03584     *(char*)extraPtr = type;
03585     ++extraPtr;
03586     ++totalInc;
03588     // Get the number of elements by counting ','s
03589     uint32_t numElements = 0;
03590     int index = tagStr.FastFindChar(',', 0);
03591     while(index > 0)
03592     {
03593         ++numElements;
03594         index = tagStr.FastFindChar(',', index+1);
03595     }
03596     *(uint32_t*)extraPtr = numElements;
03597     extraPtr += 4;
03598     totalInc += 4;
03600     const char* stringPtr = tagStr.c_str();
03601     const char* endPtr = stringPtr + tagStr.Length();
03602     // increment past the subtype and ','.
03603     stringPtr += 2;
03605     char* newPtr = NULL;
03606     while(stringPtr < endPtr)
03607     {
03608         switch(type)
03609         {
03610             case 'f':
03611                 *(float*)extraPtr = (float)(strtod(stringPtr, &newPtr));
03612                 break;
03613             case 'c':
03614                 *(int8_t*)extraPtr = (int8_t)strtol(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03615                 break;
03616             case 's':
03617                 *(int16_t*)extraPtr = (int16_t)strtol(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03618                 break;
03619             case 'i':
03620                 *(int32_t*)extraPtr = (int32_t)strtol(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03621                 break;
03622             case 'C':
03623                 *(uint8_t*)extraPtr = (uint8_t)strtoul(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03624                 break;
03625             case 'S':
03626                 *(uint16_t*)extraPtr = (uint16_t)strtoul(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03627                 break;
03628             case 'I':
03629                 *(uint32_t*)extraPtr = (uint32_t)strtoul(stringPtr, &newPtr, 0);
03630                 break;
03631             default :
03632                 myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
03633                                   "Unknown 'B' tag subtype.");
03634                 break;
03635         }
03636         extraPtr += elementSize;
03637         totalInc += elementSize;
03638         stringPtr = newPtr + 1; // skip the ','
03639     }
03640     return(totalInc);
03641 }
03644 int SamRecord::getStringFromBtagBuffer(unsigned char* buffer, 
03645                                        String& tagStr)
03646 {
03647     tagStr.Clear();
03649     int bufferSize = 0;
03651     // 1st byte is the type.
03652     char type = *buffer;
03653     ++buffer;
03654     ++bufferSize;
03655     tagStr = type;
03657     // 2nd-5th bytes are the size
03658     unsigned int numEntries = *(unsigned int *)buffer;
03659     buffer += 4;
03660     bufferSize += 4;
03661     // Num Entries is not included in the string.
03663     int subtypeSize = getNumericTagTypeSize(type);
03665     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
03666     {
03667         tagStr += ',';
03668         switch(type)
03669         {
03670             case 'f':
03671                 tagStr.appendFullFloat(*(float *)buffer);
03672                 break;
03673             case 'c':
03674                 tagStr += *(int8_t *)buffer;
03675                 break;
03676             case 's':
03677                 tagStr += *(int16_t *)buffer;
03678                 break;
03679             case 'i':
03680                  tagStr += *(int32_t *)buffer;
03681                 break;
03682             case 'C':
03683                 tagStr += *(uint8_t *)buffer;
03684                 break;
03685             case 'S':
03686                 tagStr += *(uint16_t *)buffer;
03687                 break;
03688             case 'I':
03689                 tagStr += *(uint32_t *)buffer;
03690                 break;
03691             default :
03692                 myStatus.addError(SamStatus::FAIL_PARSE,
03693                                   "Unknown 'B' tag subtype.");
03694                 break;
03695         }
03696         buffer += subtypeSize;
03697         bufferSize += subtypeSize;
03698     }
03699     return(bufferSize);
03700 }
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